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章飚安徽省美协主席 1942年出生于安徽省绩溪县,1967年毕业于安徽师范大学艺术系。现任中国美术家协会理事、中国版画家协会常务理事、安徽省文联副主席、安徽省美术家协会主席、国家一级美术师、享受政府特贴。美术作品百余幅入选出国、全国展或发表、出版并十余次获国家级、省级奖项,作品被送往美国、法国、日本、挪威、新加坡、荷兰、埃及、乌兹别克斯坦、拉脱维亚等国家及香港和台湾地区展出,并被多家美术馆、博物馆收藏。2002年荣获国家人事部“当代中国画杰出人才奖”,2005年荣获国家科学技术奖励办公室“优秀人民艺术家”称号。1992年、2004年曾参加中国美协代表团出访。出版个人专集《章飚中国画选集》《章飚版画选》《章飚画集》。 Zhang Biao Anhui American Association was born in 1942 in Jixi County, Anhui Province, graduated from Anhui Normal University in 1967 Art Department. IncumbentChinese Artists AssociationMembership, China Printmaker Association executive director, Anhui Federation of literary and art circles vice chairman, Anhui Artists Association, a national artist, enjoy the government special paste. More than 100 pieces of works of art were selected to go abroad, national exhibition or published, published and won more than ten national, provincial awards, the works were sent to the United States, France, Japan, Norway, Singapore, the Netherlands, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Latvia and other countries And Hong Kong and Taiwan on display, and was a number of art galleries, museum collections. In 2002 won the Ministry of Personnel “contemporary Chinese painting outstanding talent award” in 2005 won the national science and Technology Award Office “outstanding people artist” title. In 1992, 2004, she attended the delegation of China Artists Association. Publications “Zhang Biao Chinese painting anthology” “Zhang Biao print selected” “Zhang Biao painting.”
AIM:To determine the association between serum levels of growth-related gene product β(GROβ) and clinical parameters in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESC
水,如同空气和阳光一样,是人类生存的基础; 水,如同石油和煤炭一样,是工农业生产的命脉。早在二千五百年以前,中国已有“水、火、金、木、土”五行之说,而水是其中一“行”
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