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随着科学技术进步和生产发展,人民生活水平不断提高,人们对食品质量要求越来越高,对绿色食品的需求量也愈来愈大.因此,建立无公害生态茶园是发展茶叶生产,满足市场需要,提高经济效益的重要手段.广东国营勇士农场从1985年开始实施创建无公害生态茶园,10年来取得了良好的效果,现将该场建立无公害生态茶园的情况作一介绍.一、基本情况勇士农场地处广东省徐闻县东北部,东经110°14’,北纬20°30’,海拔最高为245.4m,是徐海地区最高地带,属热带海洋性气候,年平均气温21.8~23.0℃,年降雨量971.0~2404.7mm,雾日多、湿度大,平均湿度为87%,有效积温8136℃.土壤为红壤, With the advancement of science and technology and the development of production, people’s living standards are constantly improving, people are demanding higher and higher quality of foodstuffs, and the demand for green food is getting larger and larger.Therefore, establishing a pollution-free ecological tea plantation is to develop tea production, Market needs and improve economic efficiency of an important means of Guangdong state-run Warriors Farm from 1985 to create a pollution-free ecological tea garden, 10 years has achieved good results, the field is now to establish a pollution-free ecological tea garden made an introduction. Basic situation Warriors farm is located in the northeast of Xuwen County, Guangdong Province, longitude 110 ° 14 ’, latitude 20 ° 30’, the highest elevation of 245.4m, is the highest zone of Xuhai, a tropical marine climate, the annual average temperature of 21.8 ~ 23.0 ℃, the annual rainfall 971.0 ~ 2404.7mm, more fog, humidity, the average humidity of 87%, effective accumulated temperature 8136 ° C. The soil is red soil,
本刊讯 3月25-26日,由自治区教育厅、自治区人力资源和社会保障厅主办,广西中医药大学附设中医学校承办的2017年广西职业院校技能大赛中职组护理技能竞赛暨全国技能大赛广西
该文介绍了一种用ABI PRISM7700 Sequence Detector进行基因表达定量的新方法--TaqMan PCR。该方法利用DNA聚合酶的5′-核苷酸水解酶的活性。在PCR延伸过程中,将一个在其5′端标有“Peporter”(报告者)荧光,3′端标有“Quencher”(淬灭者)荧光的寡