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自从我1984年跨进中央电视台的大门做电视体育解说员那天起,至今已解说过上千场体育比赛。李玲蔚、杨阳、庄泳、杨文意、江嘉良、邓亚萍、伏明霞、王军霞、王义夫、李小双……一连串闪光的名字,连同他们当年在世界赛场上全力拼搏的场面至今仍历历在目。在《义勇军进行曲》中,在五星红旗升起的时刻,体坛英豪们眼含热泪登上冠军领奖台的情景刀刻般地留在人们的脑海里。但在这众多英雄背后的一位失败者却给我留下了最为深刻的印象,令我终身难忘,她就是体操运动员杨波。那是1989年春天的事。征战完汉城奥运会的中国体操队除了李敬、樊迪等个别老队员外,几乎以清一色的新面孔出现在德国斯图加特举行的世界体操锦标赛上。我们中央电视台也派出了四人转播小组前往进行报道。在团体决赛中,中国男队和女队分别获得男子团体第二名和女子 Ever since I entered the CCTV door in 1984 as a TV sports commentator, I have already explained thousands of sports events to date. Li Lingwei, Yang Yang, Zhuang Yong, Yang Wenyi, Jiang Jialiang, Deng Yaping, Fu Mingxia, Wang Junxia, ​​Wang Yifu, Li Xiaoshuang ... ... a series of flash names, together with their full year in the world arena scene is still vivid. In the “March of the Volunteers”, at the moment when the five-star red flag rises, sports-tycoons keep their eyes on the crowds with their eyes on the champion podium with tears of tears. However, one of the losers behind these many heroes left the most profound impression on me and made me forget my life. She is the gymnast Yang Bo. That was the spring of 1989. Except for Li Jing and Fan Di, some of the elite Chinese gymnasts performing in Seoul Olympics almost all the same new faces appeared at the World Gymnastics Championships in Stuttgart, Germany. We CCTV also sent a four-member broadcast team to report. In the group finals, the Chinese men’s team and the women’s team won second place in the men’s team and women respectively