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目的:观察并分析预防接种门诊个体化健康教育对儿童疫苗正确接种的影响。方法:随机选择500例近年来在本院预防接种门诊接种疫苗的儿童家长作为此次研究的对象,以平均随机的方式将其分为实验组以及对照组两类。对两组儿童均进行科学的疫苗接种,在此基础之上,对实验组家长进行个体化传染病防治及预防接种相关知识宣教。之后以两组儿童家长对健康知识的掌握情况进行比较,对两组儿童的实际接种情况进行统计分析。结果:在对实验组儿童家长进行个体化健康教育之后,其相关健康知识的掌握情况明显优于对照组儿童家长,其结果比较具有统计学意义(P<0.05);而在儿童的平均接种率方法,实验组儿童的接种率明显高于对照组儿童,其结果比较具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:加强对儿童家长的传染病防治及预防接种知识的宣教,能够有效的指导儿童家长养成良好的健康习惯,增加其健康知识的掌握程度,提高免疫规划疫苗的接种质量,降低相关传染病的发展,从而推动基层免疫规划工作的发展。 Objective: To observe and analyze the impact of vaccination clinic individualized health education on the correct vaccination of children. Methods: A total of 500 parents of children vaccinated in our vaccination clinic in recent years were randomly selected to be the subjects of this study. They were divided into experimental group and control group in a randomized manner. Both groups of children were scientifically vaccinated, on this basis, the experimental group of parents of individualized infectious disease prevention and vaccination-related knowledge and education. Afterwards, the parents of two groups were compared on the mastery of health knowledge, and the actual situation of the two groups of children was statistically analyzed. Results: After the individualized health education was carried out on the parents of children in the experimental group, their knowledge of relevant health was better than that of the parents of children in the control group. The results were statistically significant (P <0.05) Methods, the experimental group children vaccination rate was significantly higher than the control group of children, the results were statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: To strengthen the education of children’s parents about the prevention and control of infectious diseases and their vaccination knowledge can effectively guide children’s parents to develop good health habits, enhance their mastery of health knowledge, improve the vaccination quality of immunization programs and reduce the related infectious diseases So as to promote the development of grass-roots immunization programs.
本文讨论了预应力混凝土箱涵顶推下穿高速公路过程中的变形监测内容、基准网布设、监测点观测、成果整理与成果分析,并总结出了一些监测过程中的经验。 This paper discusse
本文介绍了软土对高速公路的影响,着重探讨了软土地基处理的方法及施工的措施,并在最后提出软土地基处理比较复杂,应综合考虑各种处理方法的优劣,选用恰当适宜处理措施。 Th
丹参Salvia miltiowhiza Bge为唇形科多年生草本植物,以根入药,具有活血化瘀、宁心安神等功效.其有效成分有丹参酮(TAN)I、丹参酮II-A、丹参酮II-B等脂溶性成分和儿查酚、丹