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比喻,是一种很常用的修辞格。在小学、中学的语文课上,老师总是把课文中的比喻句摘出来让我们抄写,并一再强调写作文时要多用比喻。但是,恰当地运用好比喻,并不是一件轻而易举的事,搞不好就会成为败笔。钱钟书说过“比喻的不同处愈大,则相同处愈有烘托;分得甚远,则合得愈出人意表,比喻就愈新颖。”说得通俗点,就是本体和喻体之间只有作者需要的一点相似,其它方面差异越大越好,这样才能脱俗出新。就以钱钟书先生为例,他的比喻新颖别致,而且幽默诙谐,体现了钱老的智慧和功力,如《围城》中用了这样的比喻“有的女人装娇样,在宴会上把嘴收束得像眼药水瓶口那样小。”还有毛笔写秃了头,需要醮一醮生发油之类。在作品《猫》中, Metaphor is a very common figure of speech. In the elementary and middle school language classes, the teacher always picks up the metaphor in the text for us to copy, and repeatedly emphasizes that the writing should use more metaphors. However, the proper use of a metaphor is not an easy task. Failure to do so can become a failure. Qian Zhongshu said that the greater the difference in the metaphor, the more the same place is set off; if the score is even farther, it will be more unexpected and the novelty will be more novel.“ To put it plainly, it is the ontology and metaphor. There is only a little similarity between the bodies that the author needs, and the bigger the difference in others is, the better. Take Mr. Qian Zhongshu as an example, his metaphor is novel and unique, and humorous and humorous, which embodies the wisdom and skill of Qian Lao. For example, in “The Besieged City”, this metaphor was used. Concentrate your mouth as small as your eye drops.” There is also a brush to write a bald head, you need to get a hair oil and the like. In the work Cat,
时间:喜剧时代的一个黄昏。泛指过去、现实或未来。地点:某古镇一角。人物:远行者——一位饱历沧桑的老人,被小镇人认为是精神病患者,人们都叫他老东西。他 Time: One eveni
有个商人到一个小城去推销鱼缸,但小城的人没有家庭养观赏鱼的习惯。他们对养观赏鱼没有任何经验,也没有能把鱼长久养活的信心,所以商人到小 There is a businessman to a s
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