Turning A New Leaf

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Chinese-blend teas tap into American’s craving for caffeine Walking into the warm den of The Tea Spot,in the heart of New York’s Greenwich Village,entering students from nearby New York University are greeted with a blast of sweet,grassy scents that erases winter’s chill. A wall of canisters stretching from floor to ceiling sits behind the counter,with names such as“Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla”and“Gunpowder”emblazoned on them. Store manager Alice Seurattan offers up a sample of an Oolong blend,and says Chinese-blend teas comprise about 20 percent of the store’s available teas. Chinese-blend teas tap into American’s craving for caffeine Walking into the warm den of The Tea Spot, in the heart of New York’s Greenwich Village, entering students from nearby New York University are greeted with a blast of sweet, grassy scents that erases winter’s chill . A wall of canisters stretching from floor to ceiling sits behind the counter, with names such as “Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla” and “Gunpowder” emblazoned on them. Store manager Alice Seurattan offers up a sample of an Oolong blend, and says Chinese-blend teas comprise about 20 percent of the store’s available teas.
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