
来源 :北京大学学报(医学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panzx777
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A total of 267 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma underwent ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ab-lation (RFA) in Peking University School of Oncology between1999 and 2005 (421 RFAsessions). Among them,254 patients were candidates for RFA treatment and the selective criteria were: (1) the greatest diameter of tumor≤8.0 cm;(2) tumor number≤4; (3) no obvious invasion into adjacent structures;(4) absence of extensivetumor thrombus in large vessels; (5) prothrombin time ratio greater than 60% and platelet count greater than 50×109/L. Of the 256 HCC patients, 206 were male and 50 were female (mean age, 56.8 years; range, 24 -80years). The mean size of the tumors was 3.8 cm (range, 1.2 -8.0 cm). Among the 256 HCC patients, 207(80.8%) were not amenable for surgery due to impairment of liver function, post-operative recurrence, multipletumors, senile, serious cardiac/respiratory damage or diabetes. According to the UICC-TNMstaging system, 61,90, 45, and 8 patients were in stagesⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ, andⅣ, respectively. Fifty-two patients had recurrentHCC aftersurgical resection. Of these 256 HCC patients, their Child-Pugh grades of A, B and C were 150, 94, and 12, re-spectively. Of all the subjects,151 patients had solitary tumors and 105 had multiple tumors, and 65, 127,and 64patients had tumors sized≤3 cm, 3.1 -5 cm, and >5 cm, respectively.According to tumor size, shape and loca-tion, we adopted a defined treatment strategy, which consisted of a mathematical protocol, an individualized proto-col and adjunctive measures. And several methods were also used to prevent and deal with complications in tumorswith different features. In this series the tumor complete necrosis rate (CR)was95.2% (356/374 tumors). It washigher in≤3.5 cmtumors with a CR of98.5% (200/203 tumors) than in >3.5 cmtumors with a CR of91.3%(156/171 tumors). CR were 95.6% (44/46 tumors) for tumors near the gallbladder, 92.9%(79/85 tumors)fortumors near the diaphragm, 90.9%(40/44 tumors) for tumors near the gastrointestinal tract, 91.2% (31/34tumors) for tumors near large vessel. In a follow-up period of 2 -69 months, the local recurrence rates were11.7% for HCC and 12.5% for recurrent HCC. The incidence of complications was 2.4% (10/409 sessions),including intraperitoneal hemorrhage (n=2), biliary duct stricture (n=1), hemothorax(n=1), bowel perfora-tion (n=1) and needle tract seeding (n=5). Of these cases, only3 required operation and the mortality relatedto RFA was zero in this series. We used Kaplain-Meier method and log-rank test to estimate and compare the sur-vival rate.The 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates after RFAwere 83.3%,66.9%,41.2%, respectively for all HCCpatients and 74.6%,41.3%,33.6%, respectively for recurrent HCC. Survivals based on TNMstage, Child-Pughgrade, tumor number and tumor size are shown in Table 1.In conclusion, RFA with standard protocol has evolvedas a minimally invasive local treatment that could achieve satisfactory outcomes for small liver tumors, and has be-come an effective and relatively safe alternative for the treatment of advanced tumors and recurrent tumors, whichare not suitable for traditional therapy. RFAhas broaded the treatment threshold for hepatic malignancies and mightbecome one of the regular treatment methods in focal liver tumor and find wide application. A total of 267 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma underwent ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in Peking University School of Oncology between 1999 and 2005 (421 RFAsessions). Among them, 254 patients were candidates for RFA treatment and the selective criteria were: (( 1) the greatest diameter of tumor ≤ 8.0 cm; (2) tumor number ≤ 4; (3) no obvious invasion into adjacent structures; (4) absence of extensive tumor thrombus in large vessels; (5) prothrombin time greater than 60% Of the 256 HCC patients, 206 were male and 50 were female (mean age, 56.8 years; range, 24-80 years). The mean size of the tumors was 3.8 cm (range, 1.2 to 8.0 cm). Among the 256 HCC patients, 207 (80.8%) were not amenable for surgery due to impairment of liver function, post-operative recurrence, multiple tumors, senile, serious cardiac / respiratory damage or diabetes. According to the UICC -TNMstaging system, 61, 90, 45, and 8 patients were in stages I, II, Of these 256 HCC patients, their Child-Pugh grades of A, B and C were 150, 94, and 12, re-spectively. Of all the subjects, 151 patients had solitary tumors and 105 had multiple tumors, and 65, 127, and 64patients had tumors sized≤3 cm, 3.1 -5 cm, and> 5 cm, respectively. According to tumor size, shape and loca- tion, we adopted a defined treatment strategy, which consisted of a mathematical protocol, an individualized proto-col and adjunctive measures. And several methods were also used to prevent and deal with complications in tumors with different features. In this series the tumor complete necrosis rate (CR) was95. 2% (356/374 tumors). It washigher in ≤ 3.5 cmtumors with a CR of 98.5% (200/203 tumors) than in> 3.5 cmtumors with a CR of 91.3% (156/171 tumors). CR were 95.6 % (44/46 tumors) for tumors near the gallbladder, 92.9% (79/85 tumors) fortumors near the diaphragm, 90.9% (40/44 tumors) for tumors near the gastrointestinal tract, 91.2% (31 / 34tumors) for tumors near large vessel. In a follow-up period of 2 -69 months, the local recurrence rates were 11.7% for HCC and 12.5% ​​for recurrent HCC. The incidence of complications was 2.4% (10/409 sessions), including intraperitoneal hemorrhage (n = 2), biliary duct stricture (n = 1), hemothorax (n = 1), bowel perfora- tion (n = We used Kaplain-Meier method and log-rank test to estimate and compare the sur-vival rate.The 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates after RFAwere 83.3%, 66.9%, 41.2%, respectively for all HCC patients and 74.6%, 41.3%, 33.6%, respectively for recurrent HCC. Survivals based on TNMstage, Child-Pughgrade, tumor number and tumor size are In conclusion, In conclusion, RFA with standard protocol has evolvedas a minimally invasive local treatment that could achieve satisfactory outcomes for small liver tumors, and has be-come an e ffective and relatively safe alternative for the treatment of advanced tumors and recurrent tumors, whichare not suitable for traditional therapy. RFAhas broaded the treatment threshold for hepatic malignancies and might be one of the regular treatment methods in focal liver tumor and find wide application.
给他们一点铁rn比秋草衰败得更快花白的头rn塌陷的胸失去依靠的肩膀相互扶持的手rn给他们一点铁 或者贵州rn黔东南侗医一点接骨的药或者rn重庆的辣椒山东的阿胶青海的虫草rn
头颈部肿瘤( head and neck cancer,HNC)是人类第六大恶性肿瘤,约占所有肿瘤的3%,其中约48%为口腔肿瘤,口腔肿瘤又以口腔鳞状细胞癌( squamous cell carcinomas, OSCC)为多见
摘 要:随着课堂教学改革的不断推进,传统的教学方式已远远不能满足现代教学的需要,探索有效、高效的教学方法与教学模式,引导学生进行深度学习已成为广大教学工作者不断探索的重要课题。本文就初中物理课如何激发学生学习兴趣,丰富师生情感,创新教学模式,活跃课堂气氛,培养学生自主学习能力做分析,探索浅层学习向深度学习转变的方法策略,不断地提高教学效率。  关键词:初中物理;深度学习;探索与实践  随着课程改革
摘要:动画作为一种综合艺术,以其独特的艺术表现形式和艺术魅力深受人们的喜爱。定格动画是现代动画的三大门类之一,在我们文化生活中占有很重要的地位。在定格动画的创作中,材料的运用是否得当是影响最终效果的关键因素。  关键词:定格动画;发展历程;材料  定格动画又称逐格动画,是指对拍摄对象进行逐格拍摄,然后再连续放映这些静帧图像而形成的影像。定格动画是一门极具创造力的动画形式,具有其独特的艺术魅力,能够