Silencing Filamin A Inhibits the Invasion and Migration of Breast Cancer Cells by Up-regulating 14-3

来源 :华中科技大学学报(医学英德文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xds24
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Filamin A and 14-3-3-σ are closely associated with the development of breast cancer.However,the exact relationship between them is still unknown.The present study aimed to examine the interaction of filamin A with 14-3-3-σ in the invasion and migration of breast cancer.RNA interference technology was employed to silence filamin A in MDA-MB-231 cells.Real-time PCR and West blotting were used to detect the expression of filamin A and 14-3-3-σ at mRNA and protein levels,respectively.Double immunofluorescence was applied to show their colocalization morphologically.Wound healing assay and Trans-well assay were used to testify the migration and invasion of MDA-MB-231 cells in filamin A-silenced cells.The results showed that silencing filamin A significantly increased the mRNA and protein levels of 14-3-3σ.In addition,double immunofluorescence displayed that filamin A and 14-3-3σ were predominantly colocalized in the cytoplasm of MDA-MB-231 cells.Silencing filamin A led to the enhanced fluorescence of 14-3-3σ.Furthermore,cell functional experiments showed that silencing filamin A inhibited the migration and invasion of MDA-MB-231 cells in vitro.In conclusion,silencing filamin A may inhibit the invasion and migration of breast cancer cells by upregulating 14-3-3σ.
目的 调查皮下注射精蛋白生物合成人胰岛素(预混30R)(以下简称“诺和灵30R”)的糖尿病患者皮下注射相关知识了解现状,分析存在问题及处理对策.方法 采取便利取样方法,采用自
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患者肖某,女,55岁,职员.rn主诉rn口渴多饮8年,视力下降、下肢麻凉5年,加重2天.rn现病史rn患者8年前出现口渴多饮,就诊于某院发现血糖增高,空腹血糖11 mmol/1,餐后两小时血糖1
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