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改革开放以来,我国东部和西部的经济发展差距有扩大的趋势。探讨西部地区的优势和和发展战略成了一个热点。在众多的议论中,有两个值得注意的倾向。一是过于乐观,认为中国21世纪的希望在西部,把中国的西部提到美国西部的地位。据此,制订较高的奋斗目标,例如,从1980年到2000年全面工农业总产值翻两番,西部要翻两番半,20年赶上东部发达地区等等。由于根据不够充分,论证不够有力,这类观点的响应者不多。二是过于悲观,看不到西部的潜在优势与转机。这类观点以西部自然、社会、文化和经济的实际为根据,影响面较广。 Since the reform and opening up, the gap between the economic development in the eastern and western parts of our country has been expanding. Explore the advantages and development strategy of the western region has become a hot spot. Among the numerous arguments, there are two notable tendencies. First, they are overly optimistic and think that the hope of China in the 21st century in the west will refer to western China as the position of the west of the United States. Accordingly, a higher goal should be formulated. For example, the total industrial and agricultural output value quadrupled from 1980 to 2000, the West should quadruple the number of people in the West, and catch up with the developed eastern regions in 20 years. Due to inadequate justification, the argument is not strong enough, and there are not many respondents to this view. Second, it is too pessimistic and can not see the potential advantages and opportunities for the west. Such views are based on the reality of the natural, social, cultural and economic fields in the west and have a broader impact.
Rock weathering by carbonic acid is one of the important atmosphere CO2 sequestration. Actually, it depends on whether carbonic acid or other acids as weatherin
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