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党的十五大明确提出了从严治党的工作要求。江泽民总书记在中央纪委第四次全体会议上又进一步强调:“党的性质、党在国家和社会生活中所处的地位,党肩负的历史使命,要求我们治国必先治党,治党必先从严。治党始终坚强有力,治国必会正确有效。”从严治党是针对“我们党处于执政的地位,必须经得起执政的考验;我们党正在领导改革开放,也必须经得起改革开放的考验”和党内存在的纪律松弛、软弱涣散等现象提出来的。在新的历史条件下,从严治党,加强党员队伍建设,是正确执行党的路线、方针、政策,保持和巩固党在政治上的高度统一,不断提高党的战斗力的重要保证。当前,坚持从严治党的方针,加强党员队伍建设要着重解决如下几个问题: The 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly set forth the work requirements for strictly administering the party. At the Fourth Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Jiang Zemin further emphasized: “The nature of the party, the party’s position in the country and society, and the historic mission the party shoulders require us to rule the country first and to govern the party Strictly and firmly beforehand, governing the party is always strong and effective, and governing the country will be correct and effective. ”Strictly governing the party is aimed at“ our party is in a position of ruling and must stand the test of governance; our party is leading the reform and opening up as well as must undergo From the test of reform and opening up ”and the existence of discipline within the party relaxation, weakness and other phenomena put forward. Under the new historical conditions, strictly controlling the party and strengthening party members’ construction are the important guarantees that the party’s line, guidelines and policies are correctly implemented and that the party maintains and consolidates a high degree of political unity and continuously improves its combat effectiveness. At present, it is necessary to focus on solving the following problems in adhering to the principle of strictly governing the party and strengthening the building of a contingent of party members:
摘 要: 课堂提问是一项设疑、激趣、引思的综合性教学艺术,是主导课堂教学、传授知识的常用手段,是实现师生互动、双向交流最常用最有效的方法,也是提高教学效率的重要途径之一。本文对小学低年级美术课堂提问现状进行分析,尝试从注重提问的针对性、趣味性、层次性、启发性和及时性等方面进行探索,改进低年级美术课堂提问策略,以进一步提高教学有效性。  关键词: 小学美术 课堂提问 有效性  课堂提问是教学活动的重
永安老年大学中草药班开办于2001年,一直深受学员欢迎,现有提高班和基础班各两个,134名学员中年龄最大的已经86岁。面对枯燥晦涩的中医学理论,学员 Yongan Geriatric Univer
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我曾在教师进修学校任教25年。2004年退休,2005年来到老年大学担任交谊舞专业教师。虽然我从1993年就与妻子开始学习、研究交谊舞,但那仅仅是业 I have taught at a teacher