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今年元月25日,辽宁省丹东市振安区农民王德江、冷永喜,同时接到市中级人民法院的判决书,上面写着:“本判决为终审判决”.这是为什么呢?话得从头说起.去年7月26日晚,王德江家丢了一只母鸡,王的妻子邹洪英扬言是本村农民冷永喜偷去了,冷永喜得知以后,便于8月3日晚到王德江家,拉着王的妻子邹洪英出去给他恢复名誉.王德江上前拉住冷水喜的胳膊说:“今晚你想找打仗说明白,要解决问题还有白天,有事跟我说.”冷水喜气哼哼地说:“这事跟你说不来,你少装灯.”说完用手朝王德江脖子打了两下.王被打后顺手操起一把镰刀,用刀背在冷 On January 25 this year, Wang Dejiang and Leng Yongxi, peasants in Zhen’an District, Dandong City, Liaoning Province, received the verdict from the Municipal Intermediate People’s Court saying, “This Judgment is Final Judgment.” Why? Last night on July 26 last year, Wang Dejiang lost a hen house, Wang’s wife Zou Hongying threatened to be stolen by the village farmer cold Yongxi, Leng Yongxi learned later, to facilitate the evening of August 3 to Wang Dejiang home, Pulled the king’s wife Zou Hongying went out to restore his reputation to Wang Dejiang approached Lengshui hi arm said: “tonight you want to find a battle to understand, to solve the problem there are daytime, something told me.” Cold water fills well hum Well to say: “This thing can not tell you, you less installed lights.” Wang Dejiang said with his hands toward the neck twice. After being beaten by the king was a sickle, knife back in the cold
目的进一步探讨氯沙坦、辛伐他汀、福辛普利三药联合对慢性肾病的治疗效果,完善院内药物使用制度和方式。方法 84例慢性肾病者,采用随机方式分为对比组和治疗组,每组42例。对
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摘要目的探讨在临床异质病人中经会阴孔3 T MRI引导前列腺穿刺的安全性及其与检测率、临床相关性、Gleason分级、前列腺癌(PCa)位置的相关性。材料与方法这项前 Abstract Ob
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本书系英国Pcat Marwick公司出版的《Investment in England》之译著,旨在帮助意欲向英同及欧洲共同体投资者广泛了解熟悉英国的投资环境,以及在英国和欧洲共同体的投资政策