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利比亚持续近一个月的局势动荡逐步向一场内战演变,忠于卡扎菲的部分军队与反政府武装在多条战线上反复进行拉锯战,双方军事实力对比究竟如何?利比亚军队的正规化水平明显落后于周边国家,甚至没有设立正式的国防部。在利比亚武装力量中,陆军居于绝对的主导地位。根据美国智库国际战略研究中心2009年发布的数据,利比亚陆军的常备兵力为5万人,义务兵与志愿兵各占一半,分散驻扎在全国15个军区。在硬件方面,卡扎菲政权曾因其反美立场受到前苏联青睐,后者提供的武器被用来装备10个坦克营、10个机械化步兵营、18个普通步兵营、22个炮兵营以及6个特种作战营。主要重装备包括:2025辆坦克和几乎同等数量的装甲车、 The unrest in Libya, which lasted nearly a month, gradually evolved into a civil war. Some armed forces loyal to Gaddafi and the rebel forces repeatedly tug of war on many fronts. What exactly are the military capabilities of both sides? The regularization level of the Libyan army is clear Lagging behind the neighboring countries, and even did not even set up a formal Department of Defense. In Libya’s armed forces, the Army occupies the absolute dominance. According to the data released by the Center for International Strategic Studies in the United States think tank in 2009, the Libya army’s standing strength is 50,000. Each of the two compradors and one volunteer group is half dispersed and stationed in 15 military regions throughout the country. In terms of hardware, the Qaddafi regime, favored by the former Soviet Union for its anti-U.S. stance, was used to equip 10 tank battalions, 10 mechanized infantry battalions, 18 general infantry battalions and 22 artillery battalions, as well as 6 special operations battalion. Major heavy equipment includes: 2,025 tanks and almost the same number of armored vehicles,
<正> 据荷兰药物副作用监测中心Stricker的统计,对肝脏可能有损伤作用的药物约600余种,其中许多由于肝毒作用已不作为体内用药。药物可引起肝实质损伤,如肝细胞坏死和脂肪变
目的观察SRM-Ⅳ型良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)诊疗系统对老年特发性BPPV的诊疗效果。方法对武警总医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科2012年10月至2
<正> Pirmenol是烟醇衍生物,实验动物及临床研究证明,该药有较强的抗心律失常作用,属典型的Ia类抗心律失常药,其作用无钾离子浓度依赖性,副作用较同类药物少。化学名称:顺-(±