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胡锦涛总书记9月19日在全党深入学习实践科学发展观活动动员大会上明确强调,要认真总结和学习我国改革开放30年的经验。为了充分贯彻落实中央的精神,本刊在开辟的“纪念改革开放30周年”专栏中相继刊发了系列理论文章。本期专栏邀请了卫兴华、王一程、沈壮海、洪大用、仝华、秦宣等6位专家,分别从经济、政治、文化、社会等不同角度,畅谈了30年来我国改革开放的主要成绩和基本经验。现将笔谈的主要内容予以刊发,以飨读者。 On September 19, General Secretary Hu Jintao explicitly stressed at the mobilization meeting of all party members in deepening the study and practice of the scientific concept of development that he must earnestly sum up and study the experience of the 30 years of China’s reform and opening up. In order to fully implement the spirit of the Central Government, we published a series of theoretical articles successively in the column entitled “Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up”. In this column, we invited six experts including Wei Xinghua, Wang Yicheng, Shen Zhuanghai, Hong Dagong, Tong Hua and Qin Xuan to talk about the major achievements of China’s reform and opening up over the past 30 years from different angles of economy, politics, culture and society And basic experience. The main content of the written discussion is now published to readers.