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在国内首次用NH3作氮源的GSMBE方法在α-Al2O3衬底上成功地生长出了高质量的GaN单晶外延膜.GaN外延膜的(0002)X射线双晶衍射峰回摆曲线的半高宽最窄为8’;背景电子浓度最低为2.7×1018cm-3,霍尔迁移率最好为91cm2/(V·s);室温光致发光谱上只观察到一个强而锐的带边发光峰,谱峰位于363nm处,室温谱峰半高宽最窄为8nm(75meV). In the first domestic use of NH3 as a nitrogen source of the GSMBE method on the α-Al2O3 substrate successfully grown high-quality GaN single crystal epitaxial film. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the (0002) X-ray double-crystal diffraction peak of the GaN epitaxial film is 8 ’, the background electron concentration is 2.7x1018cm-3, and the Hall mobility is 91cm2 / (V · S). Only a strong and sharp band edge emission peak was observed at room temperature photoluminescence spectrum with the peak at 363nm. The narrowest FWHM of the peak at room temperature was 8nm (75meV).
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哲里木盟国营三义堂农场,从1976年到1978年全面完成了营造农田防护林的任务。全场1.8万亩基本农田,营造主、副林带32条,形成20个网眼方田。与此同时,他们在 Jeremu Union S
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Aim:Angiopoietin-1 (Ang1) and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF)play important roles in vascular formation and maturation,suggesting a combina-tion of