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全国解放前夕,物价飞涨,货币贬值,民不聊生。1948年8月,国民党政府为苟延残喘,宣布废止法币,大量印发金元券,以金元券1元抵法币300万元在市场上流通。结果丝毫未能起到抑制物价上涨的作用,反而使物价一日三涨。批发物价上涨120万倍,零售物价涨得更猛。金元券自发行到停止流通前后不到10个月,就成为废纸,彻底崩溃,广大人民群众深受其害。1949年春季,我在浏阳县中庸乡中 On the eve of the emancipation of the country, soaring prices, devaluation of the currency and unscrupulous people. In August 1948, the Kuomintang government lingering, announced the abolition of legal currency, issued a large number of gold dollar coupons, with 1 yuan of gold yuan to 3 million yuan in circulation in the market circulation. The slightest result failed to play the role of restraining the price rise, but the price rose day by day. Wholesale prices rose 1.2 million times, retail prices rose even more fierce. Since the issuance of the gold medal to less than 10 months before its circulation stopped, it became a waste paper and completely collapsed, and the masses of the people were greatly harmed. In the spring of 1949, I was in the middle of Liuyang County
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为了改善我国南方地区轻薄屋盖的隔热防水效果,我所与中国建研院物理所,丹东市轻化工所,苏州市建科所共同合作,自一九八一年起开展了屋面浅色隔热 In order to improve the
1945年,上海滩发生了一起天大的怪事:国民党接收大员因忙于抢黄金、洋房,还未来得及对战败日军的武器装备进行接收,一批威力无比的 TNT 炸药,及194挺机抢,却莫名其妙地被“
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抗日战争时期,八路军用俘获的一名日军飞行员换回被俘人员二人——清河区公安局长李震和临淄县长李铁锋。根据换俘事件的经过与当事人提供的资料整理成文,以飨读者。 During