
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong457
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目的了解监测县及监测点地方性砷中毒的现状、防治措施落实情况及防治效果。方法按照《全国地方性砷中毒监测方案》调查防砷改水进度及工程管理使用情况。采用AFS-930双道原子荧光光度计检测饮水和8~12岁儿童尿砷含量。普查监测点居民砷中毒患病情况及死因。结果监测县改水率为8.81%,受益人口率为12.60%;已改水的14个工程均正常使用。监测点饮水砷含量为0.005mg/L;8~12岁儿童尿砷均值为0.024mg/L;查出砷中毒患者14例,均为轻度患者,患病率6.19%。结论监测县防砷改水设施管理使用良好,但改水率较低。监测点砷中毒病情较轻,儿童尿砷已在正常范围内,表明改水可控制病情的发生和发展。 Objective To understand the status quo of endemic arsenism in monitoring counties and monitoring sites, the implementation of control measures and the control effect. Methods According to the “National Arsenic Monitoring Program”, the progress of anti-arsenic treatment and the management of engineering use were investigated. AFS-930 dual-channel atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer was used to detect urinary arsenic in drinking water and children aged 8-12 years. Arsenicosis prevalence and cause of death among residents at census monitoring sites. Results Monitoring County water rate was 8.81%, the beneficiary population rate was 12.60%; 14 projects have been diverted water are normal use. The arsenic content of drinking water in the monitoring point was 0.005mg / L; the average urinary arsenic in children aged 8 ~ 12 was 0.024mg / L; and 14 cases of arsenic poisoning were found, both of which were mild and the prevalence was 6.19%. Conclusion Monitoring arsenic water diversion facilities management is good, but the water change rate is low. Arsenic poisoning at the monitoring site was mild, and urinary arsenic in children was within the normal range, indicating that water diversion could control the occurrence and development of the disease.
患者女 ,4 5岁。婚后 10年未孕 ,月经不规律 ,4~ 5月为 6~ 8d,量多 ,停经 9个月 ,阴道出血 2个月余 ,嗣后常有黄水样及黏液排出 ,伴有腹痛。血常规 :可见白细胞及中性细胞升高
自2003年日立公司将弹性成像技术引入超声医学领域,该技术在临床得到广泛的应用.其后又有多种机制的弹性成像技术应用临床.相比而言,日立的实时组织弹性成像Real-time Tis-su
患者女 ,39岁。下腹部包块半年 ,外院 B超提示卵巢巧克力囊肿来我院就诊。既往有巧克力囊肿病史。检查体 :下腹部可触及一包块 ,大小约 2 0 cm× 10 cm,质地中等 ,活动度差。
患者女 ,6 2岁。因常规体检就诊 ,自诉有子宫肌瘤病史 ,停经 13年。使用 SSA 2 4 0 A型超声诊断仪 ,探头频率 3.5MHz,膀胱充盈 ,经腹壁扫查 ,超声所见 :子宫切面内径 4 1mm×
患者女,25岁.因妊娠末期行常规超声检查.检查所见:胎儿双顶径为9.3 cm,呈右枕前位.羊水暗区深度前后径为4.0 cm,胎盘位于子宫前壁,厚度为2.7 cm,回声均匀,胎心、胎动良好.于
患者女,34岁.因过期妊娠(34周)就诊.体格检查:BP 138/85 mm Hg,口唇无紫绀,双肺呼吸音清,心率87次/min,律整,双下肢轻度浮肿.胎位为左前斜位,胎心率46次/min.心电图示:大致正
孕妇,25岁.妊娠33周.一般情况好,常规检查.采用东芝6000彩色多普勒(CDFI)超声诊断仪,探头频率4.2 MHz:胎儿呈头位,颅骨光环完整,BPD 86 mm,脊柱排列整齐,胎心搏动规律,四肢未
目的 回顾性分析78例颈部淋巴结肿大患者,探讨超声造影在颈部淋巴结结核粗针穿刺活检中的应用价值.方法 A组在超声引导下行粗针穿刺活检;B组经超声造影选择穿刺活检目标淋巴