
来源 :中国石油石化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianfong
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对化工业务而言,2003年是大打翻身仗的一年。尽管,化工市场曾经遭受到了多重干扰:SARS、原料涨价、以及贸易战,多家公司的化工业务依然保持了飞速发展的态势。 2003年第一季度,伊拉克战争爆发,国际原油价格进一步波动,从而带动了化工原料的上扬。与此同时,战争也导致了化工市场需求疲软。战争让多家公司的化工业务处于危险状态。 中国石油与中国石化抓住了市场转变的机会,对外积极展开营销,拓展市场规模;对内加大产品结构调整,优化管理,降低成本。其中,中国石化基本完成了关键产品(如乙烯)的改扩建项目。中国石油则主要对从事化工业务的分支机构强化管理,千方百计降低成本。 两家公司苦练内功终于得到回报。在下半年市场需求旺盛的带动下,各自亏损多年的化工业务分别实现扭亏。 就在国内公司化工业务实现突破之际,欧盟发表了《关于化学品注册、评估和许可办法》以及《欧盟化学品政策咨询》等文件,其中多项条款将对中国化工企业的出口产生深远影响。 中国企业纷纷应对,并推动了政府部门与行业协会出面解决。事实上,贸易战阴影一直都徘徊在国内化工企业头上。 为了加强化工产品的竞争能力,化工领域出现了进一步重组趋势。消息表明,蓝星集团将与老牌化工企业昊华合并为“中国联合化工集团”,打造成为中国的 For the chemical business, 2003 was a year of big battles. Despite the chemical industry’s multiple disruptions: SARS, rising raw material prices, and trade wars, the chemical business of many companies still maintained their rapid growth. In the first quarter of 2003, the outbreak of the Iraq war and the further fluctuation of the international crude oil price propelled the rise of chemical raw materials. At the same time, the war also led to weak demand in the chemical market. The war put a number of companies at a dangerous chemical business. PetroChina and Sinopec Corp. seize the opportunity of market transformation and actively carry out marketing to the outside world to expand the market scale. The Company will further adjust product structure, optimize management and reduce costs. Among them, Sinopec Corp. basically completed the reconstruction and expansion of key products (such as ethylene). PetroChina is mainly to strengthen the management of branches engaged in chemical business, do everything possible to reduce costs. The two companies have finally paid off their hard work. Driven by the strong market demand in the second half of the year, the respective loss-making chemical business realized losses respectively. On the occasion of the breakthrough in the domestic company’s chemical business, the EU issued the “Documents on Registration, Assessment and Licensing of Chemicals” and the “EU Chemicals Policy Advice”, among which a number of articles will have a far-reaching impact on the export of chemical enterprises in China . Chinese enterprises have responded and promoted the government departments and trade associations to come forward to solve them. In fact, the shadow of trade war has been hovering in the head of domestic chemical companies. In order to strengthen the competitiveness of chemical products, there is a trend of further reorganization in the chemical industry. The news shows that Bluestar Group and the old chemical company Haohua merged into “China United Chemical Group,” to become China’s
2019年11月,大恩物联迎来了25周年庆。用总裁张金连在年会演讲中的话来说,大恩物联就是“从一个小Baby,成长为一位楚楚动人的大姑娘”。  多年以后,当张金连透过办公室玻璃窗看着印有“大恩物联”LOGO的黑色箱体卡车一辆辆驶出基地的时候,她会回想起1995年那个踏入杭州的春天,至今仍觉得不可思议。  那一年的杭州城站火车站,人流拥挤。当“物流”还算不上一个行业名词的时候,很多台州人已经通过一个