Effects of Soluble Organic N on Evaluating Soil N-Supplying Capacity

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shgandang
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It is important to study the soluble organic N (SON) extracted during water-logged incubation for evaluating soil N-supplying capacity. Soil initial SON and mineral N (Nmin), cumulative soluble organic N and NH4+-N in leachates duringwater-logged incubation, mineralization potentials of both easily decomposable N (ND) and resistant N (NR), and theirrelationships with N uptake by crop in pot experiment were investigated by using 10 kinds of farmland soils with widelydifferent physical and chemical properties on the Loess Plateau, China, and the effects of SON on evaluating soil N-supplying capacity were studied. The results showed that the average content of initial SON (23.9 mg kg-1) of 10 soils was28.8% of initial total soluble N and 2.4% of soil total N. The percentage of cumulative SON in leaching total soluble N(118.1 mg kg-1) was 46.4%, higher than the percentage of initial SON (28.8%), and almost close to the percentage ofcumulative NH4+-N in the leachates. ND had close correlation with total N, and the correlation coefficients were 0.92(P < 0.01, excluding SON in estimating ND) and 0.88 (P < 0.01, including SON in estimating ND), respectively. Nmineralization potential and mineralization rate constant were different with the soil types. ND of Los-Orthic Entisolsand Ust-Sandiic Entisols were lower than that of Eum-Orthrosols. Mineralization rate constant for the fastdecomposable N-fraction (kD) decreased and the mineralization rate constant of resistant materials (kR) increasedwhen SON was taken into account. Cumulative NH4+-N was a better evaluation index of soil N-supplying capacity, andit is not only suitable for the first season crops but also for two successive season crops. Cumulative SON alone wasnot a satisfactory index for the potential of mineralizable N. But it would be more accurate for ND in revealing thepotential mineralizable N when SON was taken into account. Cumulative TSN, to some extent, could also be taken asan index for the potential mineralizable N. Cumulative NH4+-N, total soluble N, and ND were good indexes for estimatingsoil potential mineralizable N, especially for soils of two successive season crops. And cumulative total soluble N andND in evaluating the permanence of soil N-supply is of greater significance when SON was included. Soil initial SON and mineral N (Nmin), cumulative soluble organic N and NH4 + -N in leachates duringwater-logged incubation , mineralization potentials of both substantially decomposable N (ND) and resistant N (NR), and their relationship with N uptake by crop in pot experiment were investigated by using 10 different of farmland soils with widely different and chemical properties on the Loess Plateau, China, and the effects of SON on evaluating soil N-supplying capacity were studied. The results showed that the average content of initial SON (23.9 mg kg -1) of 10 soils was 28.8% of initial total soluble N and 2.4% of soil total N. The percentage of cumulative SON in leaching total soluble N (118.1 mg kg "1) was 46.4% higher than the percentage of initial SON (28.8%), and almost close to the percentage of cumulative NH4 + -N in the leachates. ND had close correlati on total N, and the correlation coefficients were 0.92 (P <0.01, excluding SON in estimating ND) and 0.88 (P <0.01, including SON in estimating ND), respectively. Nmineralization potential and mineralization rate constant were different with the soil types . ND of Los-Orthic Entisols and Ust-Sandiic Entisols were lower than that of Eum-Orthrosols. Mineralization rate constant for the fastdecomposable N-fraction (kD) decreased and the mineralization rate constant of resistant materials (kR) increasedwhen SON was taken into account Cumulative NH4 + -N was a better evaluation index of soil N-supplying capacity, and it is not only suitable for the first season crops but also for two successive season crops. Cumulative SON alone wasnot a satisfactory index for the potential of mineralizable N. But it would be more accurate for ND in revealing the potential mineralizable N when SON was taken into account. Cumulative TSN, to some extent, could also be taken asan index for the potential mineralizable N. Cumulative NH4 + -N, total soluble N, and ND were good indexes for estimatingsoil potential mineralizable N, especially for soils of two successive season crops. And cumulative total soluble N andND in evaluating the permanence of soil N-supply is greater Significance when SON was included.
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郭老师:请大家看一篇网上流传的小学生习作——  我的家  我家有爸爸妈妈和我,每天早上我们三人就分道扬镳,各奔前程,晚上又殊途同归。  爸爸是建筑师,每天在工地上指手画脚;妈妈是售货员,每天在商店来者不拒;我是学生,每天在教室呆若木鸡。  我的家三个成员臭味相投,家中一团和气。但我成绩不好的时候,爸爸也同室操戈,心狠手辣地揍得我五体投地,妈妈在一旁袖手旁观,从来不曾见义勇为。我每次考试成绩下来后,
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2013年2月1日 晴  叔叔住在黑龙江的一个县城里。  暑假的一个上午,急促的电话铃声给了我一个不祥的预感,奶奶慌忙去接电话。  “妈……妈……”电话那边发出了颤抖的声音。  “什么事?儿子?”看得出,奶奶觉得事情不妙。  电话那边没有出声。  奶奶更急了,眼泪都快流出来了,“到底发生什么事了,我的儿子?”  “今天我去医院做检查,医生说我……我脑部有……有一个……肿瘤。”叔叔的声音变得低沉,“
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