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2002年3月29日,民营科技企业科协在哈尔滨市科协的主持下举行了成立大会。目前,哈尔滨市志阳汽车电器股份有限公司等22家民营科技企业成立了科协组织。民营科技企业科协章程规定:民管科技企业科协是企业科技工作者自愿组成的群众团体,旨在团结企业科技工作者,调动他们的积极性、主动性、创造性,推动企业的科技创新,围绕民营企业的发展,开展各种科技活动,促进人才的成长和提高,全心全意为企业科技进步和发展服务。 March 29, 2002, private science and technology enterprises Association for Science and Technology in Harbin under the auspices of the inaugural meeting. At present, 22 private technology enterprises such as Harbin Zhiyang Automobile Electric Co., Ltd. set up the Association for Science and Technology. Private Science and Technology Enterprise Association for Science and Technology provides that: Science and Technology Association of Science and Technology is a voluntary enterprise science and technology workers formed by mass organizations aimed at unite the enterprise science and technology workers, to mobilize their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and promote scientific and technological innovation, around The development of private enterprises, to carry out various scientific and technological activities to promote the growth and improvement of talent, and serve the progress and development of science and technology enterprise services.
激光自动测轴仪适用于轴类产品的测量。测量过程中能自动给定测量的结果并指出误差类别,能实够现智能判别,以确保测量数据的可靠性和准确性。 Automatic laser axis measuri
我国加入 WTO 后,将在5年内逐步取消对外资银行的限制,分阶段、分步骤给予外资银行以国民待遇,这对繁荣我国金融市场,更好地满足社会各界的金融需求,促进国民经济的快速发展
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如果把科技创新比做一条河,那么原始性创新就是这条河的源头;如果源头是一泓涌动不息的活水,那么这条河将具源远流长之势。——题记 If science and technology innovation
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目的:满足孩子的好奇心,在他的脑海中留下深刻的印象。使他发现宇宙中有很多事物是可以探求、发掘、认识的。材料: 蚕豆种子、果酱瓶、报纸。玩法: 1.蚕豆可以有不同的培植
1.概述 在热镀锌生产中。要求将锌液温度控制在450℃~460℃之间。由于热电偶保护管容易受锌液腐蚀而损坏,影响锌温检测的准确性,目前热电偶保护管采用不锈钢管、陶管及08F钢管