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清晨,睁开眼睛转首四顾,陪伴我安歇的,是有魂魄、有性灵,叫我梦牵魂绕,或渴慕已久,或一见如故,或久别重逢,或息息相通,我数十年苦心经营的、珍爱的藏书啊!晚上,伏案工作十余小时了,临睡前总是要浏览四壁珍爱,有如揖别至亲好友,道一声晚安,道一声珍重,才安然就寝。每天跨进工作的资料室,一排排书架、书柜、杂志拒、报栏,仿佛都在向我亲切致意。那是我几年来一手经营的资料室,每本书都有我编号注册时留下的指纹体温;每本书都和我交融了生命情感的活力。我不再有纠缠我二十几年的谋食屈就的烦恼,有的只是从事热爱的工作时的甘美享受,和历尽艰难的游子幸福宁静的归宿感。好书是有魂魄的:只要你满怀虔诚,心驰神往,就会吮吸到其醉人心魄的气息。居家都市,自不用说闲暇或烦闷了,最好的消遣解脱是逛书店书肆;出差或旅游每到一去处,首先要寻觅的,自然是书。你尽管观花赏月般信步,没准哪时就会全身通电样泛起颤栗,心律也随之亢 Early in the morning, I opened my eyes and looked around for the first time. Accompanied by my rest, I had a soul, a spirit, and a longing for my dream, or for a long time, or a long time ago, or an interlinked relationship. Operating, cherish the collection of books! In the evening, desk work more than ten hours, before going to sleep always have to browse the four walls of treasure, as if not close friends, Road Goodnight, Tao sound treasures, only safely go to bed. Every day into the work of the information room, rows of bookshelf, bookcases, magazines, newspaper, as if all in my kind regards. That’s my reference room, which I’ve been running for years. Each book has the body temperature of the fingerprints that I left behind when registering numbers. Each book blends with me the vitality of life’s emotions. I no longer have troubles that I have had for more than two decades in seeking food and clothing. Some are just enjoying the sweet enjoyment of my devoted work and the happy, tranquil sense of belonging of the hard-working traveler. A good book is soulful: as long as you are full of piety, fascinated, you will suck into the breathtaking breath. Home city, since they do not have to leisure or boredom, the best recreational liberation is bookstore bookstore; travel or travel everywhere, the first to look for, of course, is the book. Although you admire the appreciation of the moon, you may not be able to use the whole body to start shaking like a thump,
当今的时代是网络的时代 ,而电子商务又是其中最为活泼和最有前途的内容。尽管电子商务在我国起步较晚 ,但已是雨后春笋般在中国大地涌现。从去年年底以来中国内地的电子商务
我院于1992年至1996年用安定、维生素K_3、心痛定3种药联合治疗胆、肾绞痛54例,对缓解绞痛,临床观察疗效显著,现报告如下。 Our hospital from 1992 to 1996 with diazepam
目的 观察低温海水淹溺濒死大鼠不同时间血气与酸碱代谢的改变 ,分析形成原因和机制 ,为治疗提供理论依据。方法 置动物于 16~ 17℃海水自由游动 ,直至沉入水底 ,呼吸暂停 ;
AcomparativestudyofchangingpaternsofconcanavalinAbindingproteinsinearlystageofcholesterolgalstoneCHENYuQiang1,CAIDuan2,ZHA... AcomparativestudyofchangingpaternsofconcannavalinAbindingproteinsinearlystageofcholesterolgalstoneCHENYuQiang1, CAIDuan2, ZHA