First 50 MVA turbo-type synchronous condenser with evaporative cooling of stator commissioned

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Based on the successful operation of 1200 kW turbo-typemodel generator with separated evaporative cooling ofboth stator and rotor,a 50 MVA turbo-type synchronous condenserwith evaporative cooling stator was constructed and put into opera-tion on March 8,1
随着邮政系统实现政企分开,特别是从事竞争性业务的EMS被彻底地推向市场后,《邮政法》便成了邮政与非邮政快递物流企业在“同一口锅里吃肉” 的竞争砝码。    5月19日,由中国物流学会、中国国际货代协会联合主办的“促进快递物流业发展座谈会”在北京召开。这是国家邮政局重组以来,相关政府、行业组织、邮政企业、非邮政企业首次坐在一起的规模最大、人数最多、最成功的一次会议。与会人士在发言中以更广阔的视野探讨
Introduction In recent 10 years, due to fast developing of economy inChina, serious power shortage occurs. The system frequency oftenfell to abnormal values in
1.The unit No.2 of Shidongkou Sec-ond Power Station,a facsimile of its unitNo.1 which is a 600 MW super-critical unitand has been on trial operation since last
The upper Yangtze upstream ofYichang with a drainage area of1,000,000 km~2 brings an average annualrunoff to Yichang by 450 km~3 of river water,the drastic vari
According to the source fromthe Construction Departmentof Ministry of Energy,it is planned to addin nationwide this year 55 medium andlarge sized power generati
继南部的深圳、东部的上海浦东、北部的天津滨海之后,西部的成都和重庆从提出申请的8个地区中脱颖而出,成为国家级综合配套改革试验区。  2007年6月7日,国务院决定,成都和重庆同时成为国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区。  去年和前年,上海浦东和天津滨海分别“获封”国家级综合改革配套试验区,此番成渝同时折桂,加上一直拥有改革先行先试权的特区深圳,中国的东、南、西、北四个地区,就各自拥有了一块综合改革的试
The exploitable potential of hydropower resources in the1,800,000 km~2 Yangtze basin is 197 GW,corresponding to anannual electricity generation of 1030 TWh,whil