Weaknesses in Human Nature

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  Abstract: Robert Frost is one of the most eminent literary figures in the twentieth American history. The Road Not Taken can be crowned one of his best. Though it has been interpreted by various approaches, the author of this paper would like to give it a new light through psychological analysis of the weaknesses in human nature reflected in this poem.
  Key Words: weaknesses Robert Frost psychologicalpoem
  As is known to all, Robert Frost’s poems always begin in delight and end in wisdom with nature his main source of inspiration. Plain and simple in language, yet profound in theme, The Road Not Taken is a good representative of his extraordinary works. Though having been appreciated from various approaches, its manifestation of weaknesses in human nature seems not to have received much attention. Thus, hopefully my interpretation from the psychological perspective may shed new light on this philosophical poem.
  Firstly, we have to admit, whether like it or not, that life is a process of making choices, for two roads always diverge in a wood. Bombarded by numerous options, we have to make a choice, since it is impossible to travel both. A dilemma confronts us all is which road we should wisely take without causing any regret, while fully aware that we are definitely free to choose but in return we are constantly constrained by the choices we made in the past.
  Whether to choose the one less travelled by or the opposite? Which one suits us most? After fierce inner struggle, Mr. Robert Frost finally took the one less travelled by. From my personal point of view, the final say rests in each single one’s own hands. For those adventurous, risk-favoring ones who would like to take their chances, they are more likely to take a road less travelled by and refuse to follow the suit in order to stand out. However, the road frequently travelled by would be the best choice for those well-established, risk-averse or conservative ones who could not afford any unnecessary hazards. To sum up, human beings make their choices based on whether it is beneficial to them or not, which exactly manifests one of the weaknesses in human nature, i.e. natural tendency to the most favorable circumstances. Nobody can ascertain whether the road already taken will lead to best result before it presents itself, so for fear of the unknown people prefer to approach the familiar over which they take the upper hand. Such kind of reaction is in accordance with the human psychology.
  With scruples and hesitations, Mr. Robert Frost took the one less travelled by, claiming “he kept the first one for another day, yet knowing how way leads on to way.” Chances are he could never come back. Instead he may be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages later “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- -I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”
  Ever since its publication, this poem has aroused heated debate on the controversial meaning of the word “sigh” and “difference”. Some critics contend these two words subtly imply that the author is not satisfied with the road he chose, while others maintain that no connotation exists in that these two words are neutral in meaning. From my private understanding, I consider it acceptable if Mr. Robert Frost did look back and bemoan the road untaken and linger on all the immaterialized possibilities. Because this is also an obvious reflection of weaknesses in human nature, that is, contentment lies not in what we have, but in what we don’t.
  Given that the road taken proves to be quite a success, people would still like to wander the unexplored possibilities, not to mention the choice they made turns out to be a failure. Psychologically, human beings are apt to place high hope on what does not actually happen, because the uncertainty and prospects are inseparable twins. But is this really the case? I am afraid not. Hunan beings are greedy by bone and contentment is foreign to their nature. Even if they are sensible enough to know castles in the air won’t necessarily bring forth the most desirable results, they still would cling to the illusion. Moreover, they would resort to self-consolation by convincing themselves that “the road I have taken is at least as good as, if not better than, the road I have not taken”, which is another psychological manifestation in this poem The Road Not Taken.
  By and large, weaknesses in human nature can be traced between the lines. We are not committed to eliminate all these weaknesses in ourselves, but we should at least try to make an effort in this life-long career.
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近年来, 随着越来越多的国外影视作品被引入中国, 影视翻译在翻译界里的地位显得愈发重要, 虽然大部分的影视翻译在目前为止都是在人们自愿为原则的前提下进行的以网络字幕组的形式出现,但这种新型的翻译模式所引发的社会各界对文化差异上的思考以及翻译策略的使用抉择有着深远的意义.本文旨在通过翻译的归化与异化两个方面来阐述其各自对影视翻译的影响。  翻译的异化与归化理论最初由美国著名翻译理论学家劳伦斯韦奴蒂在
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一 、高中英语词汇教学现状  (一)死记硬背,单一、枯燥  死记硬背是大部分英语学习者常采用的办法。孤立地、机械地去记忆单词,忽视词汇的音和义。甚至注上类似的中文谐音。从而达到读出来的效果。而这往往事倍功半,有时还闹出一些笑话。如:thank you (三克油)高中课本词汇量大,除了本课文或本单元的新词外,对他们来说还有“新单词”。这里我说的“新单词”是指学过而忘了的。这样,新旧单词量骤增,要一下
Abstract: Whenever a translator meets a word, he has to test its nonsensical element in relation to its context factors. The paper aims at summarizing a series of factor that involve context chosen.  
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