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鉴于近几年的发展状况,那些曾把艺术博物馆看作象牙塔的人,应该彻底醒悟了。艺术博物馆参与社会并从中吸取养料这一点变得越来越明显。允许艺术博物馆存在的地区也对其提出了相当高的要求。这些要求有可能看似不合理,但艺术博物馆工作人员却不能视而不见。毕竟是艺术博物馆的创办者让同胞们认识到艺术博物馆的价值,才使它们成为必要。艺术博物馆能否生存,取决于其通过适应不断变化的社会和 In the light of developments in recent years, those who once viewed the Museum of Art as an ivory tower should have been thoroughly awakened. It becomes more and more obvious that art museums are involved in society and drawing nutrients from it. Areas that allow the existence of art museums place considerable demands on them. These claims may seem unreasonable, but art museum staff can not turn a blind eye. After all, the creators of art museums have made compatriots realize the value of art museums and made them necessary. Whether art museums survive or not depends on their adaptation to the changing society and society
Filamentous fungi employ conserved eukaryotic signaling pathway to detect and respond to environmental signals, including the presence of the host. Genetic exp
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