励精图治铸辉煌 科学发展谱新章——江西省国防科技工业改革发展成就掠影

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江西省国防科学技术工业办公室是主管全省国防科技工业的省人民政府正厅级直属机构。在业务上接受国家国防科技工业局、解放军总装备部的领导和指导,其主要职责是统筹规划全省国防科技工业经济的发展,负责军工单位武器装备科研 The Jiangxi Provincial Office of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense is a branch of the People’s Government directly under the authority of the province’s national defense science and technology industry. Receiving leadership and guidance from the National Defense Science and Technology Industry Bureau and the General Armament Department of the People’s Liberation Army in operations, its main responsibilities are to plan the development of the province’s national defense science and technology industry economy, and to be responsible for the scientific research of weapons and equipment of military units.
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