
来源 :福建法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongfuhei
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社会保障权在宪法基本权利体系中居于重要地位,其区别于传统宪法基本权利之处在于其实现需要国家的积极作为。公民基于社会保障权会产生宏观上较高而微观上有所差别的预期,而国家在理论上和实践中无法全然实现公民的这种权利预期。于此,产生了社会保障权救济方式与保护程度的特殊性。基本权利双重性质理论是德国宪法基础理论的重要内容,对基本权利与其实证化具有强大的解释力和建构力,本文拟从基本权利双重性质理论,尤其是基本权利的“客观法”功能为视角,来审视社会保障权的保障问题。 The right to social security occupies an important position in the fundamental rights system of the Constitution, which is different from the basic rights of the traditional constitution in that it requires the active actions of the state. Citizens’ expectations based on the right to social security will be macroscopically higher and slightly different from each other, and the state can not fully realize this expectation of citizens in theory and practice. As a result, the particularity of the relief method and degree of protection of social security rights has arisen. The dual nature of the basic rights theory is an important part of the German constitutional basic theory. It has strong explanatory power and constructive power on the basic rights and their positive evidence. This article attempts to analyze the basic rights from the dual nature of the basic rights, especially the “objective law” Function as a perspective to examine the protection of social security rights issues.
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