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语文教学的目的之一是训练和培养学生的“听、读、说、写”四种本领,而这四种本领间的关系又是那样密不可分。简单说,“听”,是用耳读,即能理解别人的话,能抓住要领、辨别语感;“读”,是用眼来听,即能读懂、会读别人的文章,包括理解力、判断力、推理力、鉴赏力;“说”,是用口写,能说一口流利的普通话,而且条理清晰、详略得当,实在是一种变相的书面表述;“写”,是用笔来说,文章结构谨严、主题鲜明、手笔精巧,可以看出口头功夫之深。这四方面能力同样重要,一个也不能忽视,因为它们都是工作、学习和生活的需要,一个也少不得,四者间的关系是互相促进、相辅相成的。这里,我只就“听、说、读”对“写”的作用谈谈看法。我认为,“听、说、读”可做为写的铺路石,通过教师科学的导向,可以使它们成为通向“写”的桥梁。如果学生平素能够随时把听到、读到、看到的东西记录下来,作文时就不愁没东西可写;如果平时能经常训练学生的口头表达能力,那么作起文来就会少出现不知怎么写的难题;如果平时善于引导学生敢于对人或事发表自己的观点,学生的文章内容就不会出现只是罗列现象,抓不住事物本质的同题。可见,培养学生“听、读、说”的能力,对提高学生的写作水平有着相当重要的作用。我曾在初中进行 One of the aims of Chinese language teaching is to train and cultivate students’ four abilities of “listening, reading, speaking, and writing”, and the relationship among these four abilities is inextricably linked. Simply put, “hearing” means reading with the ear, that is, understanding other people’s words, grasping the essentials and recognizing the sense of language; “reading” means listening with the eyes, that is, reading and reading other people’s articles, including comprehension. , judgment, reasoning power and appreciativeness; “say” is a mandarin who speaks fluently, speaks fluent Mandarin, and is clear and detailed. It is actually a disguised form of writing; “writing” is a pen In terms of the structure of the article, the article has a strict structure, clear themes, and exquisite handwriting. These four aspects are equally important, and one cannot be ignored, because they are the needs of work, study and life, and one is also less important. The relationship among the four is mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing. Here, I only talk about the effect of “listening, speaking, reading” on the role of “writing.” I think “listening, speaking, reading” can be used as a paving stone for writing. Through the guidance of teachers’ science, they can be used as a bridge to “writing.” If students are able to record what they have heard, read or seen at any time, they will be able to write when they are writing. If they can often train students’ verbal skills, they will be less likely to do so. How to write a difficult problem; if you are good at guiding students to dare to express their opinions on people or things, the content of the students’ articles will not appear to be merely listed and cannot grasp the essence of things. It can be seen that cultivating students’ ability to “listen, read, and speak” has a very important role in improving students’ writing skills. I was in junior high school
现有部分东风型内燃机车燃油系统污油管路汇集机体上的燃油泵间隔的污油及燃油泵、喷嘴的回油一并注入污油箱,有相当数量的柴油未得到利用. 为节约能源,我们曾在西昌至普雄
编辑同志: 目前,有一种经过工厂改装的铁端墙铁地板的新型C_(50)车。在站修工作中曾多次发现其上部连接螺栓松动甚至脱落。一般说来上部螺栓松动过甚,以至脱落,虽不会造成行
4月6日,自治区教育厅召开电话会议,针对1992~1993学年农村学校、尤其是山区学校中小学生流失较多的情况,采取得力措施,坚决制止中小学学生流失. On April 6, the Education D