又是十倍Zoom Olympus C-770 Ultra Zoom

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体积最小10倍 Zoom四百万像素机器Olypmus 是高倍光学变焦数码相机的先驱,由最早的 C-1400C-2100等,到近年的 C-7XXUZ 系列,都得到不少用户的支持。而 Olympus 最新的高倍变焦数码相机就是这部 C-770Uz。在功能上,C-770UZ 与以往的 C-750UZ 十分相近,同样是四百万像素加十倍光学变焦,并支持原厂的 TTL 闪光灯,同级中也算是功能最强的型号之一。不过虽然功能较强,但 C-770UZ 却是同级中体积最小的一部,加上有黑色和银色两种机身选择,所以功 10x the size of the smallest Zoom 4 Megapixel Camera Olypmus is a pioneer in high-power optical zoom digital cameras, from the earliest C-1400C-2100 to the C-7XXUZ series in recent years. The latest high-magnification Olympus digital camera is the C-770Uz. Functionally, C-770UZ and previous C-750UZ are very similar, the same is 4 million pixels plus 10x optical zoom, and supports the original TTL flash, at the same level can be considered one of the most powerful models. However, although the function is strong, but the C-770UZ is the smallest in its class, with black and silver two body choices, so Gong
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