据联合国粮农组织的渔业统计,1979年世界头足类(柔鱼、乌贼类和章鱼类)的总捕获量超过155.8万吨,其中65%的消费于日本。日本周围的水域中,大约有头足类150种,最主要的有枪乌贼 Tradodes pacificus和巴特柔鱼 Ommastrephes bartrami。前者遍布日本诸岛沿海,后者是大洋性洄游种类,自西向东分布于北太平洋。这两个品种构成实力雄厚的柔鱼渔业的基础。捕捞枪乌贼主要采用传统的钓渔法。近20年来由于渔场变迁,这项近海钓渔业经历着巨大的变化。这些变化加上实施200海里
According to FAO’s fisheries statistics, the total catch of the world’s cephalopods (squid, squid and octopus) in 1979 exceeded 1.558 million tons, of which 65% was consumed in Japan. There are about 150 species of cephalopods in Japan’s waters, most notably Tradodes pacificus and Ommastrephes bartrami. The former is spread all over the coasts of the Japanese islands, the latter being migratory species of oceanicity and distributed in the North Pacific Ocean from west to east. These two breeds form the basis of a powerful squidfish fishery. Fishing squid mainly use the traditional fishing method. The near-shore fishing industry has undergone tremendous changes in the past 20 years due to changes in fishing grounds. These changes coupled with the implementation of 200 nautical miles