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今年12月26日,是导师龚育之教授的诞辰纪念日,恩师若在,应该八十有五,可惜敬爱的导师却在6年前离我们而去,走完了他78岁并不算长的人生历程。每当回忆起跟随导师学习的日子,总觉得导师的音容笑貌就在眼前,总觉得导师有时犀利有时慈祥的目光盯着自己,总觉得自己做得不够好,愧对导师的教导。倾注导师心血的论文龚育之教授是理论界公认的大家,跟龚老师做学生,心理压力自然很大,尤其是我这个半瓶子醋的学生,心里的忐忑可想而知。到了要确定博士论文选题 December 26 this year, is Professor Mentor Professor Gong’s birthday anniversary, if the teacher is there, should be eighty, but dear teacher was away from us six years ago, finished his 78-year-old is not a long life course. Whenever recalled following the mentor to learn the day, always feel the teacher’s voice and smile in front, always feel sometimes sometimes sharp and kind of mentor staring at myself, always feel that they did not good enough, ashamed of the teacher’s guidance. Pour the instructor dissertations Professor Gong Yuzhi academic community recognized everyone, with Mr. Gong as a student, psychological pressure is great, especially my half-bottle vinegar students, my heart can not imagine knowing. To determine the doctoral thesis topic
YbPO4:Tb3+ were synthesized by mild hydrothermal method.The luminescent properties,morphologies and structure of the obtained powders were characterized by phot