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4月12日,芬兰在华投资最大的企业——芬欧汇川(UPM)集团,宣布其常熟纸厂二期增资扩建项目——3号纸机正式投产。作为芬欧汇川在中国发展的重要里程碑,新的纸机将进一步提升产能,同时将贯彻“绿尽其能、森领未来”(Biofore)公司战略,一如既往为中国乃至亚太地区的客户提供更环保、更安全、更广泛的产品组合。2012年,芬欧汇川集团开始筹建其常熟纸厂3号纸机项目,总耗资2.77亿欧元。新的纸机将生产包括高质量标签材料和 On April 12, UPM Group, the largest Finnish investment company in China, announced the official start-up of PM3, Changshu’s second-phase capital increase project. As an important milestone in the development of UPM in China, the new paper machine will further increase its production capacity while implementing “Biofore’s strategy” to provide more customers in China and Asia-Pacific region as always Environmentally friendly, safer, broader product portfolio. In 2012, UPM began the preparation of its Changshu PM 3 PM project at a total cost of EUR 277 million. The new paper machine will produce including high quality label material and
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迈过20个春秋的中国焊接博览会以它独有魅力在其成长的过程中凝聚了一批优秀的企业,他们和焊博会风雨同行, 共同见证了中国焊接行业的此兴彼起,兴盛繁荣。在焊博会20周年之际
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一是民行检务公开制度。对申诉人下发申诉须知,告知诉讼参与人各自的权利和义务、办案人员纪律、办案程序,公开审查结果,要求其对干警执法执纪情况进行全程监督。 二是律师
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