Quinoline Ring Derivatives as Potent Integrase Inhibitors Using Ligand-based Modeling Studies

来源 :Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlwerewolf
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Integrase has become an attractive target for the design of anti-HIV inhibitor because it plays a quite important role in the process of HIV-1 virus replication. The quinoline ring derivatives, which have the similar pharmacophore toβ-diketoacids, are the kind of integrase inhibitor with highly antiviral activity. A series of quinoline ring derivatives were analyzed by the comparative molecular field analysis(Co MFA), comparative molecular similarity induces analysis(Co MSIA) and Topomer Co MFA methods. Firstly, we chose 77 compounds from former papers as a dataset,followed by dividing it into the training set and test set randomly. Then, we constructed predictive models of Co MFA, Co MSIA and Topomer Co MFA, respectively. The Co MFA yielded the best cross-validated model with a q2=0.758, non-cross-validated r2=0.988.The Co MSIA model yielded a q2=0.701 and r2=0.986 while the Topomer Co MFA model has q2=0.661 and r2=0.966. Through verification, these results suggested a strong predictive ability to the design of novel highly active HIV-1 integrase inhibitors for therapy. Integrase has become an attractive target for the design of anti-HIV inhibitor because it plays a quite important role in the process of HIV-1 virus replication. The quinoline ring derivatives, which have the similar pharmacophore to beta-diketoacids, are the kind of integrase inhibitor with highly antiviral activity. A series of quinoline ring derivatives were analyzed by the comparative molecular field analysis (Co MFA), comparative molecular similarity induces analysis (Co MSIA) and Topomer Co MFA methods. Then, we constructed predictive models of Co MFA, Co MSIA and Topomer Co MFA, respectively. The Co MFA yielded the best cross-validated model with a q2 = 0.758 , non-cross-validated r2 = 0.988. The Co MSIA model yielded a q2 = 0.701 and r2 = 0.986 while the Topomer Co MFA model has q2 = 0.661 and r2 = 0.966. Through tests, these results suggest a strong predictor ive ability to the design of novel highly active HIV-1 integrase inhibitors for therapy.
目的 探讨延续性护理干预下高血压治疗的实效性.方法 回顾统计本院2016年1月——2017年6月期间收治高血压130例,均为定量随机抽样选取.结合患者病例资料和随访信息,依照护理
【关键词】缓解;儿科;静脉输液操作;压力  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-7484(s).2014.04.355文章编号:1004-7484(2014)-04-2091-01在儿科的护理工作中最关键的是护士能够准确顺利、高效地完成小儿静脉注射操作,以达到治疗和急救的目的。本人从事儿科护理工作三十年,下面从切身体会来谈谈如何缓解年轻护士小儿静脉输液过程中的压力,与大家共勉。  首先
目的 比较分析小儿慢性咳嗽与肺炎支原体感染的关系及心理护理干预配合药物治疗的效果.方法 选择我院在2016年2月至2017年2月份一年期间收治的80例慢性咳嗽患儿,另外选择84例
[目的]测试复合去甲斑螯素(NCTD)的生物陶瓷理化性能并研究NCTD复合人工骨对成骨性能的影响和生物安全性.[方法]将10 μg/ml的NCTD溶液,浸泡多孔生物陶瓷,并风干、冷冻干燥.
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