A Thermochemical Study on Complex Nickel(Ⅱ) L-α-Histidine

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meomeo38
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The formation enthalpy of complex nickel(Ⅱ) histidine(His) in water was determined by means of microcalorimetry in the temperature range of 298 15-323 15 K. The standard enthalpy of the formation of Ni(His) 2+ 2(aq) was calculated. On the basis of the experimental and the calculated results, three thermodynamic parameters(the activation enthalpy, the activation entropy and the activation free energy), the rate constants, three kinetic parameters(the apparent activation energy, the pre exponential constant and the reaction order) of the formation reaction of the title complex were obtained. The formation enthalpy of complex nickel (II) histidine (His) in water was determined by means of microcalorimetry in the temperature range of 298 15-323 15 K. The standard enthalpy of the formation of Ni (His) 2+ 2 (aq) was calculated. On the basis of the experimental and the calculated results, three thermodynamic parameters (the activation enthalpy, the activation entropy and the activation free energy), the rate constants, three kinetic parameters (the apparent activation energy, the pre exponential constant and the reaction order) of the formation reaction of the title complex were obtained.
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