魏磊撰文指出,入世对我党的领导方式和活动方式究竟有哪些影响和冲击呢?仅就党的政治领导而言,这种影响和冲击集中表现为入世后党对政治领导的难度空前加大。党的政治领导即政治原则、政治方向、重大决策的领导。加入WTO,我们党在政治领导方面所受到的影响主要有以下三点: 一是党必须在宪法和法律的范围内活动的要求将更加严格。入世,在一定意义上说是“政府入世”,因为WTO就是以带有强制性的规则为基础的
According to Wei Lei’s article, what influence and impact does the accession to the WTO have on the leadership style and mode of operation of our party? Only for the party’s political leadership, such influence and impact have been concentrated on the unprecedented difficulty of the party in its political leadership after its accession to the WTO Big. The political leadership of the party is the political principle, the political direction and the leadership of major policy decisions. With the accession to the WTO, our party has the following three major influences on the political leadership: First, the party must exercise stricter requirements on the constitution and laws. To a certain extent, WTO membership means “government joining the WTO” because the WTO is based on mandatory rules