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研究海口市泓旺农业养殖有限公司特种龟鳖养殖场养殖菱斑龟种龟发病的病例(4个),采用病理解剖和组织切片H.E染色,进行组织病理学研究。病理解剖显示,4只病龟的肝脏为病变最严重器官,出现色深及表面分布白色斑块的病理解剖症状;血涂片显示外周血液中的总白细胞比例及嗜酸性粒细胞比例明显增高;组织切片中可见肝组织病变最严重并具一致性,病龟C、D肝实质细胞普遍出现颗粒变性、以嗜酸性粒细胞为主的肝组织炎性细胞浸润,血铁黄质沉积,病龟B肝静脉扩张、分支血液回流受阻,肝窦间隙扩张淤血,部分肝细胞转化为空泡变性,病龟A肝实质细胞坏死、肝细胞索消失。4只病龟肝脏表面还出现局部纤维化坏死,眼睑组织静脉周围也出现嗜酸性粒细胞为主的炎性细胞浸润。根据病理解剖和组织病理检验结果,并结合对本场菱斑龟养殖情况的调查,认为该病为肝病,并伴有眼症状,其他器官组织病变属肝病的相伴症状。病龟由于肝功能逐渐衰竭而致死。 To study the pathogenesis of broad-faced turtle turtle (4) in the special turtle turtle farm in Haikou Wanghong Agricultural Breeding Co., Ltd. Pathological anatomy and histological sections were used for histological examination. The pathological anatomy showed that the liver of the 4 turtles was the most serious organ of the lesion with appearance of pathological and anatomical symptoms of white patches on the surface and the color distribution. The total leukocyte ratio and eosinophil percentage in the peripheral blood were significantly increased in the blood smears. Tissue sections showed the most serious and consistent liver lesions, disease turtle C, D hepatic parenchyma cells generally degeneration, with eosinophil-based inflammatory infiltration of liver tissue, blood yellow iron deposition, turtle disease B hepatic vein dilatation, blocked blood flow in the branch, hepatic sinusoid dilatation and congestion, some of the hepatocytes transformed into vacuolar degeneration, necrosis of liver turtle cell A, liver cell cord disappeared. Four turtles also showed localized fibrotic necrosis on the surface of the liver, and eosinophils infiltrated by eosinophils around the eyelid tissue veins. According to the pathological anatomy and histopathological examination results, combined with the investigation of this scene Turtle Turtle farming situation, that the disease is liver disease, accompanied by ocular symptoms, other organ disease is a complication of liver disease. Turtle died of liver failure.
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杜甫曾以《可惜》为题写五律,阐述自己在草堂岁月的心态:  花飞有底急,老去愿春迟。  可惜欢娱地,都非少壮时。  宽心应是酒,遣兴莫过诗。  此意陶潜解,吾生后汝期。  (《可惜》)  杜甫可惜什么?诗中的解答有些隐晦,但意涵还是明确的。他感叹自己过了少壮之年,感叹自己穷病交困,从前有过的济世之志,已经难以实现,所以可惜。怎么办呢,只能借酒浇愁,只能以诗抒怀。杜甫想到了陶渊明,陶渊明笔下的桃花源,