Pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale by electrical heating on different heating rates

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanhuafuren
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The electrical heating experiments on oil shale sample from Huadian of Jilin were carried out by the pyrolysis method at three different heating rate 2℃/ min,5℃/ min and 10℃/ min in the temperature range of 30℃-750℃ . Heating rate 2℃/ min is considered low,while intermediate one covers the range 5℃/ min and high heating rate is 10℃/ min. The controlling parameters studied were the final pyrolysis temperature and the influence of the heating rate as well as type. The heating rate has an important effect on the pyrolysis of oil shale and the amount of residual carbon obtained therefore. It is found that increasing the heating rate and pyrolysis temperature also increases the production of oil and the total weight loss. Higher heating rates resulted in higher rates of accumulation. The rate of oil and water collection passed through the maximum of different heating rates at different pyrolysis temperatures. Heating rate affected density,oil conversion and oil yield. The electrical heating experiments on oil shale sample from Huadian of Jilin were carried out by the pyrolysis method at three different heating rates of 2 ℃ / min, 5 ℃ / min and 10 ℃ / min in the temperature range of 30 ℃ -750 ℃. rate 2 ° C / min is considered low, while intermediate one covers the range 5 ° C / min and high heating rate is 10 ° C / min. The controlling parameters studied were the final pyrolysis temperature and the influence of the heating rate as well as type. The heating rate has an important effect on the pyrolysis of oil shale and the amount of residual carbon achieved therefore. It is found that increasing the heating rate and pyrolysis temperature also increases the production of oil and the total weight loss. Higher heating rates resulted resulted in higher rates of accumulation. The rate of oil and water collection passed through the maximum of different heating rates at different pyrolysis temperatures.
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