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基尔是一位英国电信业的大亨,他身家不菲,拥有数亿英镑的财产,住在伦敦的豪华别墅里,家里收藏着诸多世界名画和稀世珠宝。很多人都非常羡慕这位腰缠万贯的亿万富翁,认为他应该是一个非常快乐、也非常满足的人,可事情却并非如此。基尔其实并不快乐,甚至还患有非常严重的抑郁症,需要定期去看心理医生。医生听基尔讲述了自己的忧虑和烦恼之后,只对他说了一句话:“快乐其实并不难,放下就是快乐 Kiel, a tycoon in the British telecoms industry, is a man of fortune and hundreds of millions of pounds in London’s luxury villas home to many world famous paintings and rare jewels. Many people are very envious of this wealthy billionaire, think he should be a very happy, very satisfied people, but things are not the case. Kiel is actually not happy, even with very serious depression, need to see a psychiatrist on a regular basis. After the doctor listened to Kiel about his worries and worries, the doctor said only to him: ”Happiness is not that hard, it is pleasure to let go
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近年来 ,北京 文 化 产 业 发 展的 势 头 不 错 ,文化 设 施建设也 取得了显著 成就,大大改善了 首都文 化生活环境 ,丰富了 群众文化 生活。但是 作为全 国的文化中心,北京
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