A novel biosensor with enhanced sensitivity based on grating coupled double-layered porous silicon w

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:willian1019
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The enhanced sensitivity of a guided mode biosensor is analyzed by employing double-layered porous silicon grating structures. The grating-coupled waveguide structure consists of two porous silicon grating layers with different refractive indices. simulations are carried out by changing the refractive index, which is due to the binding of biological molecules on the porous silicon pore can increase the refractive index of porous silicon. The numerical results show that this novel guided mode biosensor with a double-layered grating can provide not only a very high sensitivity but also a better reflectivity characteristic. The enhanced sensitivity of a guided mode biosensor is analyzed by employing double-layered porous silicon grating structures. The grating-coupled waveguide structure consists of two refractive indices. Which are is due to the binding of biological molecules on the porous silicon pore can increase the refractive index of porous silicon. The numerical results show that this novel guided mode biosensor with a double-layered grating can provide not only a very high sensitivity but also a more reflectivity characteristic.
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目的:设计合成阿昔洛韦与杂氮硅三环结合物,并且对其免疫活性、抗乙肝病毒活性进行探讨。   方法:   1.合成中间体化合物Υ-氨丙基杂氮硅三环(Ⅰ)和3,7,10-三甲基-Υ-氨丙基
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摘 要: 高职学校安全保卫工作是校园工作中的重要组成部分,是其他工作得以顺利开展的基础。所以,本文就如何增强高职学校安全保卫工作提出对策,围绕建立健全安全保卫制度、加强校园安全设施建设、完善校园安保团队建设以及要重视安全预警教育这四个方面展开讨论。  关键词: 高职学校;安全保卫;对策  一、 引言  自1977年高考制度恢复以来,我国高校的办学规模日益扩大,与之相应的一些校园安全问题也逐渐显示出