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今日本报发表的凫山县长马仲川,检察署秘书马延汉,前司法科承审员馬復生,及华山县长刘修礼等,利用职权,包庇地主,盗卖土地,破坏土地改革违犯国家法纪的消息,与省人民监察委员会及中共中央山东分局纪律检查委员会,关于处理上述案件的两项决定,值得各级领导机关和每一个革命工作人员注意和警惕,并应引为严重的教训。从马仲川等一连串的违法事实中,不祇暴露了他们个人的品质恶劣,暴露了地主阶级对土地改革阴险顽强的抵抗破坏,证明他们决不会轻易的甘心拋弃其可耻的寄生生活和对农民的剥削和统治;而且也充分说明了我们革命队伍中,如果存在某些组织不纯和领导上严重的官僚主义,则对革命、对人民利益的损害是极其严重的。马仲川等所犯错误的大小,罪恶的轻重及其具体情况虽各有不同,但他们的共同点都是:表面上披着革命的外衣,实际上却是利用革命工作人员的面貌和革命的职位,忠实的保护地主阶级的利益,作着破坏革命的事情,障碍与破坏着土地改革的进行,严重的损害着党和政府的威信,使当地群众遭受更多的苦难。这是一种严重的叛变人民性质的犯法 Ma Zhanchuan, chief of Dangshan County, Ma Yanhan, secretary of Public Prosecutors Department, Ma Fansheng, a forensic examiner, and Liu Xiuli, head of Huashan county, which published in the newspaper today, used their powers to cover landowners and steal land and sabotage the news that the land reform violated the national laws and regulations , The Provincial People's Commissariat and the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shandong Branch of the CPC Central Committee, the two decisions on handling these cases deserve the attention and vigilance of the leading organs at all levels and every revolutionary staff member and should be cited as a serious lesson. From the series of illegitimate facts such as the one by Masahikawa, it not only exposed their poor personal qualities and exposed the sinister resistance of the landlord classes to the insidious reform of the land reform, and proved that they would by no means easily give up their shameful parasitic lives and Peasants' exploitation and rule, but also fully demonstrated that in the course of our revolution, if there are some organizations that are impure and lead serious bureaucracies, the damage done to the interests of the people and the revolution will be extremely serious. The magnitude of the mistakes made by Ma Zhongchuan, their severity of guilt, and their specific circumstances are all different. However, what they all have in common is that, on the surface, they wear the veil of revolution and in fact they make use of the face of the revolutionary staff and the revolutionary Faithfully protect the interests of the landlord class, do things that undermine the revolution, impede and undermine the progress of the land reform, seriously undermine the prestige of the party and the government, and cause the local people suffer more. This is a serious crime that betrays the nature of the people
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