Long-Yan Rare Earth Research Ins-titute was establitsed by the end of1989 in order to develop the abundantion-adsorption rare earth resources inMinxi Region,FuJ
A new process to manufacture RE-containing heavy cast steel ingots hasbeen:co-developed by Anshan Iron andSteel Corporation,Beijing University ofScience and Tec
A new process to manufactureEu<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> with fluorescent grade hasrecently been developed by BaotouResearch Institute of Rare Earth.The contents
A rare earth permanent magnetsynchronous generator used asmain power source for unmannedaircraft was developed by resear-chers of the Northwest Universityof Tec
<正> ■伯甗,1952年原平原省博物馆移交新乡市博物馆收藏。甗通高39.5、口径26、腹深16.5厘米,重5.98公斤。侈口,立耳微外倾,深腹束腰,下腹如鬲,柱形足。立耳饰三道凹弦纹,颈饰三组兽面纹,腹饰三大兽面纹(图一、三、四)。腹内甑与鬲之间有一桃形铜箅,与甗口相应,因此甗口呈不规整圆形。铜箅有通蒸
Titanium white has a variety of uses in many in-dustries and its producers will sooner or later face theproblem of resource shortage.Generated by this situa-tio
【正】 清朝皇室很盛行使用地毯,所用地毯通常来自我国盛产羊毛的新疆、西藏、内蒙、甘肃、宁夏等地。这些地区均有专为宫廷织造地毯的手工作坊,或自行设计纹样织毯呈进,或承