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曾几何时,当市长指挥囚徒开着大型铲车为了所谓的城市建设将居民的房子强行摧毁时,当地方政府把房价托到几乎所有的老百姓都无法靠合法收入买到时,当政府以所谓的房屋征收评估办法将居民的房屋按照自己的想象随意以专家评估报告的形式对居民房屋的价格随意认定时,当一起又一起的社会公众为了保护自己的房屋所有权而拿自己的生命作为砝码与政府抗争时,当政府中个别昏官庸吏继续以所谓的《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》(以下简称拆迁条例)作为遮羞布,随意与开发商合谋剥夺社会成员的物权时,当一起又一起的社会矛盾即使通过法院也无法解决甚至无法协调且只好聚焦到首都甚至是只能聚焦到中南海、天安门等特殊区域时,关注《拆迁条例》对我们生活的规范作用,让我们的政府在征收活动中遵守等价征收,合理补偿,开通百名社会工作者决定社会矛盾焦点是非观念的新渠道,彻底解决对拆迁问题而引起的人民法院不敢立案,不愿立案,即使立案也无法解决相应矛盾的现实问题。能不能使《拆迁条例》成为我们和谐社会中最重要的音符之一,已经成为考量每一届政府首脑执政能力和执政水平的重要天平之一。 At a time when the mayor ordered the prisoners to open large forklift trucks forcibly destroying the houses of their residents for the so-called urban construction, when the local government did not afford to buy the houses until almost all the people could get their legal revenues, Assessment of housing expropriation The residents of housing according to their own imagination at random in the form of expert assessment report on the price of residential housing at random, when together with the public in order to protect their own house ownership and take their own lives as a weight and When the government protests, when some individuals in the government continue to use the so-called “Regulations on the Administration of Urban Housing Demolition” (hereinafter referred to as the demolition regulations) as a fig leaf, free to collude with developers to deprive members of social property, when together Even when the social conflicts can not be resolved through the courts or even can not be coordinated and have to focus on the capital and even focus on special areas such as Zhongnanhai and Tiananmen Square, we can pay attention to the normative effect our demolition regulations have on our lives and let our government take part in the expropriation activities Abide by the equivalent collection, reasonable compensation, open a hundred social workers decided to social spear The focus of the shield is a new channel of non-concept. To completely solve the problem that the people’s court, which is caused by the demolition and relocation problem, can not start a case and is unwilling to file a case, the actual problem of the corresponding contradiction can not be solved even if the case is put on record. Whether or not the Regulations on Demolition can become one of the most important notes in our harmonious society has become one of the important scales to consider the governing capability and the level of governance of every government leader.