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中山大学附属一院耳鼻喉科医院院长许庚教授是我国鼻内窥镜外科创始人。他在上世纪90年代初将现代先进的鼻内窥镜微创手术引进我国鼻病临床,并接受国家委托为全国各地大医院培训技术传人3000多人,业绩卓著,荣获国家教育部科技进步一等奖。鼻窦炎要综合治疗许庚教授认为,人们鼻部后面颅骨里的鼻窦(有颌窦、蝶窦、筛窦与额窦)内粘膜感染发炎,就是鼻窦炎。它是人类疾病谱中的高发病种之一,在我国人群中仅需要手术治疗的严重患者就达2%,此病虽不致死,也不会癌变,但是会导致鼻塞、流浓涕、头痛、嗅觉不灵和记忆力减退。鼻窦炎的治疗必须采用手术加药物的综合疗法方能奏效。手术有传统鼻窦外科手术与近年引进的鼻内窥镜鼻窦手术。两者比较,前者创伤大、痛苦多、恢复慢,治愈率为35%,根治难度大;后者创伤小、痛苦少、恢复快,治愈率达90%以上,根治效果理想。 Sun Yat-sen Affiliated Hospital ENT Dean Xu Geng is the founder of nasal endoscopy surgery. In the early 90s of last century, he introduced the modern and advanced minimally invasive endoscopic sinus surgery into the clinical trials of rhinopathy in our country and entrusted the country to entrust the training of more than 3,000 technical personnel to major hospitals across the country with outstanding performance. He won the First Prize in Science and Technology Progress Award. Comprehensive treatment of sinusitis Professor Xu Geng believes that people behind the nose of the skull in the sinuses (sinus, sphenoid sinus, ethmoid and frontal sinus) inflammation of the mucous membrane infection is sinusitis. It is one of the high-incidence species in the spectrum of human diseases, up to 2% in our population who require only surgical treatment. The disease is not lethal and cancerous, but can cause nasal congestion, runny nose, headache , Poor sense of smell and memory loss. Sinusitis treatment must be combined with surgery and drug therapy can work. Surgery with traditional sinus surgery and the introduction of nasal endoscopic sinus surgery in recent years. The former is more traumatic, more painful and slower to be recovered. The cure rate is 35% and the radical treatment is difficult. The latter has less trauma, less pain and quick recovery, and the cure rate is over 90%. The curative effect is ideal.
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