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欧洲的包括三个要素的历史意识:历史中的自由、科学地改造过去、演变的本质上符合于人道的涵义,正在发生分歧。在马克思主义者看来,只有以科学来改造过去,从中得出历史的根本涵义和活动力量。广大的西方历史学者认为科学地改造过去,按照历史家的偏好去渲染过去,在不能越出科学限度的情况下,既不能为要素提供最后的涵义,也不能提供演变的规律。演变的客观规律是虚构的,或无证验的。科学探讨的发展提出了历史中的行为和历史的涵义。历史知识把羣众生活情况和经济事件作为方向,一部分决定于当代文明的特征和为今天所认可的价值体系的性质。历史知识由好奇心产生出来,而其论证则既是人性的,又是理论的,与生存有关的而不尽是理智的。业已中止存在的真实就是历史的对象。历史知识不以武断地组合起来的唯一真实的集合体为对象,而以可以理解的种种联系着的整体为对象。人类正在共同的文明中统一起来。和煤、石油、原子联系起来的文明将开辟人类事业的全新的时代。没有任何迹象可以证明无限度地扩大生产能力与破坏能力的科学技术革命会排斥数千年来文化的重要特征,排斥与人性相联系的制度的稳固性。 The historical awareness of Europe, which consists of three elements: the freedom in history, the scientific transformation of the past, and the evolution in essence conform to the humanitarian mean and are undergoing disagreements. To Marxists, it is only through science that can transform the past and derive the fundamental meaning and active force of history. The majority of Western historians believe that scientifically transforming the past and pasting the past according to their preferences can not provide the ultimate meaning of the elements nor the law of evolution without exceeding scientific limits. The objective laws of evolution are fictitious or unverified. The development of science explores the meaning of history and behavior in history. Historical knowledge takes the living conditions of the people and economic events as a direction, partly as a result of the characteristics of contemporary civilization and the nature of the value system that is recognized today. Historical knowledge is generated by curiosity, and its argument is both human and theoretical, and survival-related rather than rational. The reality that has ceased to exist is the object of history. Historical knowledge is not targeted at the only true assemblage that is arbitrarily combined, but on all intelligible relationships. Mankind is united in a common civilization. Civilization linked to coal, oil, and atoms will open up a whole new era of human endeavor. There is no sign that the scientific and technological revolution that can indefinitely expand productive capacity and destructive power will reject the important cultural characteristics of the past thousands of years and exclude the stability of institutions connected with human nature.
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