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四廖承志到达太行涉县,行装甫卸,即发电报给跟随党中央、毛主席行动的范长江,要他负责随时向中央请示有关新闻宣传事宜,每周将宣传要点电告太行,同时也请留意太行发出的稿件,随时提出意见。从这时起,承志同志通过范长江的小分队同党中央保持密切的联系,凡是他认为比较重要的事情,都做到向中央事前请示、事后报告。每次社委会会议结束,大都是由他亲自起草给中央的报告。有一次我(因我当时是社委会秘书)代拟电报时,漏掉一项重要内容,受到他严肃的批评。长江同志率领的小分队(代号叫四大队),跟随中央转战陕北。除担负联络太行的任务外,中央发表的重要文件和中央同志写的社 Fourth, Liao Chengzhi arrived in Taihang County, disguised himself as a telegram to Fan Changjiang following the actions of the party Central Committee and Chairman Mao. He asked him to be responsible for asking the central authorities about the press and publicity issues at any time and telegraphed the propaganda points weekly. Pay attention to the manuscripts sent by Taihang and make comments at any time. Since then, Comrade Cheng Zhi has maintained close contact with the party Central Committee through the units of Fan Changjiang. All things that he thinks are more important, he has been instructed in advance and ex post reports to the Central Government. Every time when the meeting of the Social Welfare Committee ends, most of the reports drafted by him personally to the Central Government. Once I (because I was the secretary of the Social Council at the time) wanted to telegraph the telegram, I missed an important part and was seriously criticized by him. Comrade Yangtze River led by the detachment (called the fourth brigade), followed the central fought in northern Shaanxi. Apart from the task of liaison with Taihang, important documents issued by the Central Government and the comrades written by the Central Comrade