专家观点之十九 领先战略确立行业主导地位

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聚光科技是一家典型的创新型企业,这不仅体现在它拥有一支高素质的创业团队,也不仅体现在它所在的行业属于典型的高新技术领域,更体现在它的创新战略上,即以创新获得技术领先、以创新确立行业主导地位。主动创新战略可以在市场竞争中占领制高点和主动权,但并不是任何一个企业都能够模仿或实施的。它对创新企业的要求很高,特别是需要高素质的创新要素和相对完善的创新机制作保障。具体地说,实现主动创新战略必须具有以下要素:一是其对本领域的前沿技术及其发展趋势有足够的了解和把握;二是拥有一支学科结构合理、创新能力强、团结协作好的研发团队;三是充分了解市场需求、竞争对手以及产业发展趋势;四是具有积极的创新文化和创新激励;五是具备与创新战略相适应的知识产权战略。聚光科技正是拥有上述条件的一家高素质创新企业。因此,聚光科技为我们提供了现代创新型企业的样板,也为后来的高科技企业提供了示范。我们希望能够看到更多的像聚光科技一样的主动创新型企业,为浙江经济转型升级提供强大的动力。 Concentrating on science and technology is a typical innovative enterprise, not only because it has a high-quality entrepreneurial team, not only in the industry where it belongs to the typical high-tech fields, but also in its innovative strategy, namely Innovative access to technology leader, innovation and establish industry dominance. Active innovation strategy can occupy the high ground in the market competition and initiative, but not any one enterprise can imitate or implement. It has high requirements for innovative enterprises, especially the need for high-quality innovative elements and relatively perfect innovation mechanism for protection. Specifically, to achieve active innovation strategy must have the following elements: First, its cutting-edge technology in the field and its development trend have enough understanding and grasp; second is to have a disciplined structure, innovative ability, solidarity and good research and development Team; Third, fully understand the market demand, competitors and industry trends; Fourth, a positive innovation culture and innovation incentives; Fifth, with the innovation strategy to adapt to the intellectual property strategy. Concentrating technology is precisely the above conditions of a high-quality innovative enterprises. Therefore, Concentration Technology provides us with a sample of modern and innovative enterprises, but also for the subsequent demonstration of high-tech enterprises. We hope to see more active innovations like Concentration Technology and provide a powerful impetus to the economic restructuring and upgrading of Zhejiang.
从1988年到2008年,在实际开发面积仅8.5平方公里的土地上,南宁高新技术产业开发区(以下简称南宁高新区)累计实现营业总收入2156亿元,工业总产值1547 From 1988 to 2008, on
再伟大的企业,都有经营出错甚至走向衰亡的过程,这时的企业,也许浑然不自知,而不同没落阶段独有的警讯或许能引起企业的警惕。 And then great enterprises all have their
我的大名:啪啪圈,有趣吧?我的外貌:大约有二十厘米长,三厘米宽,是蓝色的,上面涂着一些亮粉,在夜晚也能看得清清楚楚。另外还有很多少儿频道的标志均匀地分布在上面。其 My n