来源 :International Journal of Sediment Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongxiaojuan
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This paper presents a procedure for calculating the effective discharge for rivers with alluvial channels. An alluvial river adjusts the bankfull shape and dimensions of its channel to the wide range of flows that mobilize the boundary sediments. It has been shown that time-averaged river morphology is adjusted to the flow that, over a prolonged period, transports most sediment. This is termed the effective discharge. The effective discharge mayo be calculated provided that the necessary data are available or can be synthesized. The procedure for effective discharge calculation presented here is designed to have general applicability, have the capability to be applied consistently, and represent the effects of physical processes responsible for determining the channel. dimensions. An example of the calculations necessary and applications of the effective discharge concept are presented. This paper presents a procedure for calculating the effective discharge for rivers with alluvial channels. An alluvial river adjusts the bankfull shape and dimensions of its channel to the wide range of flows that mobilize the boundary sediments. It has been shown that time-averaged river morphology. is adjusted to the flow that, over a prolonged period, transports most sediment. This is termed the effective discharge. The effective discharge mayo be calculated provided that the necessary data are available or can be synthesized. designed to have general applicability, have the capability to be applied consistently, and represent the effects of physical processes responsible for determining the channel. dimensions. An example of the calculations necessary and applications of the effective discharge concept are presented.
问:我患肝炎后想多服点药尽快治愈,又怕药物伤肝。请问如何减少药物性损害?  江苏徐州汪杰  答:肝病,尤其是病毒性肝炎,至今尚缺乏特效药物。市场上治疗肝病的药物充其量不过是辅助性药物,长期滥用不仅无益。反而会促使代谢紊乱,不利于肝病的恢复。  肝脏好像是人体内的化工厂,药物进入人体后,几乎都要在肝脏内以氧化、还原、分解、结合等方式进行代谢。可是不少药对肝脏有程度不同的损害作用,肝脏患者应尽量减少用
1980年以来,我们采用红斑量紫外线治疗148例甲沟炎,获得了良好的疗效。报告如下。临床资料 148例患者均经门诊外科确诊后转来,病程最短者1天,最长半月。发病部位食指右36,左