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红优63系江西省抚州地区农科所1983年采用本所矮红9号A与明恢63配组育成的晚釉中熟组合,6年次的各级区域试验、栽培试验和生产示范,均表现高产稳产,适应性广。该组合1989年获抚州地区科技成果一等奖,1990年通过江西省品种审定委员会审定。目前江西、福建、江苏、湖南等省均有大面积种植,累计推广面积100万亩。 一、产量表现。1985年参加江西省晚杂区域试验,以亩产437.8公斤,居16个参试组合之首,比对照汕优2号亩增10.0公斤,增产2.3%。1986年续试,亩产444.7公斤,较对照汕优2号亩增22.0公斤,增产5.2%,再次居13个参试组合首位。同时推荐参加南方稻区区试,在12个参试组合中,中稻组居首位,晚稻组居第三位,较对照汕优63均有所增产。在大面积示范、推广中也表现较好增产效益,江西省宜黄县东港乡,1984年作连晚种植100余亩,亩产均在500公斤以上,其中农户邹子进试种10.5亩,平均亩产714.5公斤,同年该县农业局在谭访乡岱塘村测上施肥的千亩丰产片,经实地验产,红rrrrrrrrn优63亩产546.9公斤,比汕优63亩增89.5公斤,增产12.1%。1987年江西省临川县罗湖乡种植255.8亩,平均亩产548.2公斤,较汕优6号亩增50.0公斤。 二、特征特性。在江西赣东地区种植,全生育期126天,株高95厘米。株型紧凑适中,前期分亲力强,叶片短窄,叶色较? Hongyou 63 Department of Agricultural Sciences in Fuzhou in Jiangxi Province in 1983 by the Institute dwarf Red A 9 and Minghui 63 with late glaze maturing combination of groups at all levels of six years of regional trials, cultivation experiments and production demonstration, Both showed high and stable yield, wide adaptability. The combination won the first prize of scientific and technological achievements in Fuzhou in 1989 and passed the Jiangxi Provincial Variety Approval Committee in 1990. At present, Jiangxi, Fujian, Jiangsu, Hunan and other provinces have large areas planted, the cumulative promotion of an area of ​​100 mu. First, the production performance. In 1985, he took part in the late-season regional trial of Jiangxi Province. With a yield of 437.8 kg per mu, he ranked first in the 16 pilot combinations and gained 10.0 kg more than the control Shanyou 2, an increase of 2.3%. Continued 1986 test, 444.7 kilograms per mu, compared with the control Shanyou 2 acres by 22.0 kg, an increase of 5.2%, once again occupy the top 13 test portfolio. At the same time, it is recommended to participate in the southern rice area trial. Among the 12 combinations, the middle rice group ranked first, the late rice group ranked third, all of which increased compared with the control Shanyou 63. In large-scale demonstration and popularization, it also showed good yield-increasing benefits. Donggang Township, Yihuang County, Jiangxi Province, planted even more than 100 mu of late nights in 1984 with a per-mu yield of 500 kilograms or above. Among them, Zou Zijin, a farmer, Producing 714.5 kilograms, the same year the county Bureau of Agriculture in Tan village interviewed Dai Tang village fertilized acres of high-yield film, the field inspection, red r r r r r r r r n 63 mu yield 546.9 kilograms, more than Shanyou 63 acres by 89.5 kilos, an increase of 12.1%. In 1987, Luohu Township, Linchuan County, Jiangxi Province planted 255.8 mu, with an average yield of 548.2 kg per mu and a 50.0 kg increase over Shanyou 6. Second, the characteristics and characteristics. Planting in eastern Jiangxi Province, the whole growth period of 126 days, 95 cm tall. Compact and moderate plant type, strong early pro-division, short leaves, leaf color more?
目的:为明确IMPDH1基因在我国RP患者中的突变情况,检测两个常染色体显性遗传性视网膜色素变性(autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa,ADRP)家系和15例散发RP患者的IMPDH1基
这是一个真实的故事。  ——前言  1995年3月26日凌晨1时5分,一声婴儿的啼哭掀起了一个家庭的高潮。身为婴儿的我,对这一切都毫无记忆,很多发生的故事都出自奶奶和妈妈之口。  爷爷叫游长根,生前是名平凡的共产党员,逝后是名受人尊敬的烈士,而我成了烈士的子孙,光荣吗?光荣。喜悦吗?不、一点也不。听奶奶说,他们生活的年代,想吃一顿饱饭都是奢侈,因为家里人多饭少,每天还得干很多活,就算是党员,也多分