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班组是企业的“细胞”,一个个“细胞”是否充满活力,直接关系到企业的生存与健康发展。班组的活力可以从“班组精神”得到体现,并可直接反映出职工队伍素质和企业整体素质,反映出企业精神文明建设状况。 “班组精神”是企业精神文明建设的“着力点”。“班组精神”所表现的班组成员的精神风貌、价值取向和共同的追求,如“爱岗敬业精神’、“团结拼搏精神”、“奉献服务精神”、“爱厂如家精神”等等。 努力提高职工思想道德和科学文化素质是企业精神文明建设永恒的主题,而这一主题又在“班组精神”上得到具体体现。因此,倡导和培育企业“班组精神”,也正是企业精神文明 The team is the “cell” of the company. Whether each “cell” is full of vitality is directly related to the survival and healthy development of the company. The dynamism of the team can be reflected from the “team spirit” and can directly reflect the quality of the staff and the overall quality of the company, reflecting the status of the enterprise’s spiritual civilization. The “team spirit” is the “point of effort” for the development of the enterprise’s spiritual civilization. The spirit, value orientation and common pursuit of the members of the team and the team represented by the “team spirit” include “love and dedication”, “spirit of unity and hard work”, “devotion of service spirit”, “love of the factory” and so on. Improving ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality of employees is the eternal theme of the construction of corporate spiritual civilization, and this theme is also embodied in the “team spirit”. Therefore, advocating and nurturing enterprise “team spirit” is also the spirit of the enterprise.
今年8月19~24日举行的莫斯科航展是第三届.它吸引了24个国家380个厂商参加了展出,共有4万人次专业观众和25万人次公众进行了参观.约有140架飞机参加静展,其中俄罗 The Moscow
单位:万t己含当期库存土要产品销售价格元八r健万当期库存主要产品销售价格元八比号企业名称数量同比 %户乙户乙户二淤互平均价…尊企业名称数量同比 %异飞户乙户县黔三平均
烟台三菱水泥厂位于烟台郊区,1995年4月试运转后,保持着稳定的水泥额定生产能力100万t/a。该厂从原料输送到水泥装卸都使用了先进的技术。 Yantai Mitsubishi Cement Facto