Inheritance and Molecular Marker of Resistance to Bot Canker in Malus domestica

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Apple bot canker [Botryosphaeria dothidea(Moug.) de Not.] is distributed worldwide,resulting in a serious crop loss every year in apple(Malus domestica Borkh.) production.The resistance of each seedling derived from a hybrid population(Jonathan×Golden Delicious) was evaluated by disease index either from natural infection in the field or from inoculation with five isolates of B.dothidea,Ls1,Lw023,Lw048,Mx1,and Zz26.The inheritance of the resistance to bot canker was analyzed via frequency distribution analysis,and microsatellite and AFLP markers linked to the resistance loci were screened.From the binary frequency distribution patterns,it was found that the segregation ratio of resistant/susceptible genotypes infected by pathogen isolates Lw023 and Ls1 was 1:15;and that by Zz26 and Mx1 was 15:1.The variation of resistance was involved in the segregation of two to four alleles of major genes,the resistance was recessive when infected by Lw023 and Ls1,but was dominant when infected with Mx1 and Zz26.A microsatellite maker,CH02a04-450,and two AFLP markers,E-AG/M-GAC-280 and E-AGG/M-CTT-110,were identified,and their map distances to the resistance loci were 5.1,5.1 and 6.2 cM,respectively.The three markers are located in different linkage groups,while CH02a04-450 is on linkage group 2 or 7.E-AG/M-GAC-280 was successfully converted into SCAR159.Finally,CH02a04-450 and SCAR159 were re-examined in inoculated segregation population and presented a good reliability on predicting phenotypes of resistance. Apple bot canker [Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug.) de Not.] Is distributed worldwide, resulting in a serious crop loss every year in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) Production. The resistance of each seedling derived from a hybrid population ( Jonathan × Golden Delicious) was evaluated by disease index either from natural infection in the field or from inoculation with five isolates of B. dothidea, Ls1, Lw023, Lw048, Mx1, and Zz26. The inheritance of the resistance to botker was analyzed via frequency distribution analysis, and microsatellite and AFLP markers linked to the resistance loci were screened. Fc the binary frequency distribution patterns, it was found that the segregation ratio of resistant / susceptible genotypes infected by pathogen isolates Lw023 and Ls1 was 1: 15; and that by Zz26 and Mx1 was 15: 1. The variation of resistance was involved in the segregation of two to four alleles of major genes, the resistance was recessive when infected by Lw023 and Ls1, but was dominant when infect ed with Mx1 and Zz26. A microsatellite maker, CH02a04-450, and two AFLP markers, E-AG / M-GAC-280 and E-AGG / M- CTT-110, were identified, and their map distances to the resistance loci were 5.1, 5.1 and 6.2 cM, respectively. The three markers are located in different linkage groups, while CH02a04-450 is on linkage group 2 or 7. E-AG / M-GAC-280 was successfully converted into SCAR159.Finally, CH02a04 -450 and SCAR159 were re-examined in inoculated segregation population and presented a good reliability on predicting phenotypes of resistance.
摘 要: 本文通过研读国网公司最新对标体系,如今国家电网公司取得的巨大成绩,验证了对标体系的科学性和有效性,结合国网取得巨大成绩,有感于得益于党和国家的正确领导,特别是党中央对于央企发展的定位和支持,由此得出作为央企的排头兵,更要对表中央,切实增强四个意识,做到四个宗旨,为实现中国梦贡献重要力量。  关键词: 对标;对表;核心;四个意识  2017年4月,最新對标内容发布,科学完整地建立了国家电网
摘 要: 新颖性,是指该发明或者实用新型不属于现有技术;也没有任何单位或者个人就同样的发明或者实用新型在申请日以前向专利局提出过申请,并记载在申请日以后(含申请日)公布的专利申请文件或者公告的专利文件中。不丧失新颖性宽限期实际上是专利法赋予申请人的一种优惠,允许他将已经公开的发明创造在一定期限内再申请专利。宽限期作为不可避免或者无意识地公开发明创造的情况下的一个补救措施,对申请人十分重要,新颖性宽
摘 要:智能微电网作为实现大规模分布式新型能源风、光储利用的重要途径,规划建设智能微电网,可降低用电系统对大电网的依赖。总体来说,发展智能微电网具有重要的意义。  关键词: 能量管理;微电网;新能源;运行控制  基金项目:内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目 项目编号:NJZC17514  0 引言  智能微电网技术代表了未来分布式电力能源供应系统的发展趋势,是未来智能配用电系统的重要组成部分,对推进
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摘 要: 我国的电力设备数量和规模随着经济建设速度的加快在不断增长,在大量的用电需求规模之下,用户要求供电企业要有更好的供电质量,但近年来很多供电局都出现了较高的配网设备缺陷率,造成了配网设备故障增多,直接影响用户供电可靠性。本文即对配电设备缺陷的原因进行分析,并提出了相关的预防措施。  关键词: 供电局;配电设备;缺陷率;预防措施  1配电设备缺陷存在的问题  電力系统中的配网设备经常出现缺陷,
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目的:   通过盆腔MRI检查,比较盆腔器官脱垂(Pelvic Organ Prolapse,POP)患者与非POP患者盆底支持结构形态改变,探讨盆底特定解剖学异常与POP的相关性。   方法:   选择2
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