
来源 :西藏艺术研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yindiend
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汉藏语文可望由机器自动翻译 目前世界上许多不同语言间都实现了机器自动翻译.我国有近500万藏族同胞,藏学研究在国际上是个热门话题,在国内各社科领域和各民族院校中也普遍开展;同时,各大中专民族学校一直在进行“双语”教育.如果汉藏语文实现机器自动翻译,做到速度快,准确率高,必将促进民族交流和团结,乃至整个藏区的科技、教育、文化事业以及经济,社会的全面发展.为此.国家“863计划”正式立项进行研究“汉藏机译系统”,这个项目由青海师范大学承担,最近已签订专题合同.这个软件系统在世界上为尚处于开发阶段,属于世界信息技术发展的前沿课题我区图书开辟国外发行市场’94赴尼泊尔书展是我区在国外举办的第四次书展,而且第一次盈利.它作为’94西藏赴尼泊尔经贸洽谈会展销活动的一部分,于9月18日至24日在加德满都举行.由自治区新华书店书展小组一行三人展销了西藏、北京、青海、四川、甘肃等八家藏文图书出版社出版的417种藏文版图书,共11399册.全部图书均由国外藏 There are nearly 5 million Tibetan compatriots in our country, and Tibetan studies are a hot topic in the world. In the fields of various social sciences and ethnic groups in China, At the same time, ethnic secondary schools in all major secondary schools have been conducting “bilingual education.” If the Chinese-Tibetan language implements automatic translation of machines and is fast and accurate, it will surely promote ethnic exchanges and solidarity and even For this reason, the state “863 Program” officially started the project “Chinese-Tibetan Translation System”, which is undertaken by Qinghai Normal University and recently signed a special project on science, technology, education and cultural undertakings as well as all-round economic and social development in Tibet. Contract. The software system in the world is still in the development stage, belong to the forefront of the development of the world’s information technology topics in our area of ​​books to open up foreign distribution market ’94 went to Nepal Book Fair is held in our region in the fourth book fair, and the first As part of the "94 Tibet to Nepal Economic and Trade Fair exhibition activities, held in Kathmandu from September 18 to 24. By the autonomous region Xinhua Bookstore Book Fair group of three people sold in Tibet, Beijing, Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu and other eight Tibetan language books published 417 kinds of Tibetan books, a total of 11399. All books by foreign Tibet
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摘 要 化学实验在初中化学教学中占据着重要地位,并且很多知识需要通过实验的方式来进行探究和分析,化抽象为具体,从而帮助学生更好的理解化学知识,提高学生的学习效果。文章主要分析了通过合理安排初中化学实验激发学生的学习兴趣的方法。  【关键词】初中化学;实验;兴趣  化学实验的合理应用对提高化学教学质量起着重要的作用,并且通过化学实验,学生能够更好的锻炼自己的思维方式,培养学生的科学思想。能够有效激发
中国医学科学院实验动物研究所的科学家经过2年多的努力,在重大传染病疾病的模型制备和疫苗评价等方面取得突破性进展,SARS动物模型“An animal model of SARS produced byin
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