高等教育机构对质量保证日益增加的重视以及初等和中等教育中评估学习成就的重要机构的出现,是教育领域中具有重要发展意义的代表性现象。全民教育(EFA)这一全球性运动表明,人们不仅意识到了世界各地的人们都有受教育的权利,而且承诺将教育扩展到世界各地。本文表明的是,尽管我们取得了重大进展,不容忽视的是挑战依然存在。笔者认为,目前在世界各地兴起的质量保证制度中关于质量构成的理解嵌入了个人主义概念。据此,笔者指出这是远远不够的,其他能够阐释我们作为个体、作为民族以及作为国家身份的更具概括性的概念需要被引入,这样才能获得关于质量的更广泛的观点。“,”The grow th for quality assurance institutions in higher education and the emergence of key agencies for assessing learning attainment in the primary and secondary school arenas are deeply important developments in the broad field of education. Through global campaigns such as the EFA signal an awareness of and also a commitment to the expansion to the right to education for people everywhere. Through these developments they signal important advances for how we understand ourselves as a global and connected community. Important as these developments have been, I would like to suggest in this paper that important challenges remain. I argue in this paper that this individualism is embedded in what is understood to constitute quality in the quality assurance regimes that are emerging around the world. I suggest that this is not enough and that other more inclusive notions of who we are as individuals, as people and as countries need to be used in approaching a wider view of quality.